SWFMAS Open House 2008


Moved On
SWFMAS Presents the First Annual Open House

SouthWest Florida Marine Aquarium Society is holding an educational event and is honored to have James Fatherree & Julian Sprung share their knowledge with young and old.

We will be holding a Livestock Auction, as well as a Drygoods raffle, in addition to plenty of time to network and mingle with other hobbyists from our area.

This event is open to the public - ALL CLUBS ARE INVITED!

Lets get the ball rolling - March 15, 2008 is our First Annual Open House!

Saturday, march 15 2008
Doors Open @ 12:00 / 12:00 PM
Speakers @ 13:00 / 1:00PM

Bishop Verot High School - Cafeteria
5598 Sunrise Dr
Fort Myers, FL 33919
(239) 274-6700

Event fees are as follows:
<li>FREE - If you are a member before March 1</li>
<li>$5 /person - If you become a member AFTER March 1, or at time of show</li>
<li>FREE - Children under the age of 12</li>

<li>$20 - If you are pre-registered before March 1</li>
<li>$25 - At day of show, or after March 1</li>
<li>FREE - Children under the age of 12</li>

Please visit www.SWFMAS.com for more info.
Now that I see my calendar and see that I've got to drive back to school between the 14th and 16th, since school starts again on the 17th, I might swing by, but it depends on the day that I'm leaving.

Since the at-the-door prices are... on the high side (in my opinion), what does membership to the club run? If it's not much more than the entry, I'd just register as a member of SWFMAS.

Thanks for inviting us east-coasters!
Membership Fees:
<li>$15 - Individual</li>
<li>$20 - Family</li>
<li>FREE - Children under the age of 12</li>
<li>$50 - Business</li>

Family is considered spouses and kids under the age of 18.
Only the first person listed will have voting rights.
Interesting, so it really is less expensive to just become a member... If I were in the area more, I would consider it, but even when I drive to Tallahassee once a month, the furthest west I go is the turnpike. Takes too long to take 75 the whole way.
We're right off I-75 around mile marker 130-140 ... ~20-30 miles after you get off the Alley.
Usually takes me ~ 1 1/2 hours to come over to you guys.

Livestock preregistration is up on the SFWMAS website for those interested in bringing items to auction (or buy)
SWFMAS Auction Split

SWFMAS Auction Split

SWFMAS has changed our auction split for our event.

All items preregistered by March 1 will be 80/20 split

80% to seller, 20% to club

All items registered after March 1 or the day of the event will be 70/30 split.

Please visit our website www.swfmas.com for more info
Membership payment received!
Thank You very much & Welcome to the club Rogger.

We will be looking forward to your food - There are a few locals that I've shared it with .. AFAIK everybody likes it. I know I sure do.
