Switching over to radion from MH, what intensity ?


Just got set of XR-15 for my b-day from my wife,,awesome lady!!! She got me the ecosmart mounting brackets as well and ive got them all mounted etc picked radions MAX growth setting.

Was doing some reading and got me worried about burning my corals. Its standard 120 tank. Im currently running

2 x 20k x 250W - 6 hours
1 x 20k x 250W - 4 hours
4 x ACT VHO x 110W -6 hours

was running as well

2 x 10k x 175W - 4 hours,, have been off for about two month's because had hair algae prob.

So should I cut back the LED to 80 percent 90 percent or will they be fine ? I know every tanks different but im sure there others who have had similar setup that switched over.
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I'm going to these today as well. I'll be starting at 20% with an 8 week acclimation period up to 60% to start. These things can burn stuff quick. What size tank and type of corals do you have?
I had my Radion XR30 gen 2's about 18 inches over a 100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank at 100%. Everything looked good, even the bryopsis. When I moved everything into my 150DD, I dropped the Radions to 60% and still bleached the snot out of my anemone. I now have them at 20%.

I'd start around 15-20% and bump it a couple percent every week or so to give everything time to adjust. At that level, you should have time to catch any bleaching before it's bad.
Thanks for everyone's replies.
I have it in acclimation mode,at 20 percent going up to 75 percent in 4 weeks,,,seems so dark though.
Thanks for everyone's replies.
I have it in acclimation mode,at 20 percent going up to 75 percent in 4 weeks,,,seems so dark though.

I think you could bump the starting point up to 30%-35% at least.
When I switched ( on both my tanks with XR30's) I started at 40% and went to 70% over 4-5 weeks.