Synchronized swimming


New member
1-2 yrs ago there was a thread about sychronized swimming where I posted some pics of my tank with an 8 fish swimming in Synchro. Got even more lucky at Sealife in finland when I got this pic which I guess beats the Windows "Follow" background.
Please post any similar ones you have

That's a gorgeous picture. I used to have a pair of sixspot gobies that would swim together like they'd been practicing for years. Here's a pic:


Does it count when you enter a building with a fish tank and as you walk by you stare at a fish and walk with it, with your head continuing to stare as you walk? You know what im talking about....

Dragon (Banded) Goby

Dragon (Banded) Goby


maroun.c: thst's a great looking picture and I would love to get a poster size picture of that.
thanks for the compliments.
flameangle I can email you the original file if you want it. It will print to a nice size I guess.