t-5 vs led ????


Active member
do you guys still feel t-5 is the way to go? or is everyone starting to lean towards led?
I've run just about every combination imaginable (various wattages and kelvin MH, PC, VHO, T5, LED - black box, radions, kessil, home made, etc. etc.). There is no "right" answer.

I can tell you that after tons of changes and trying different things I have t5/LED combos over both of my current tanks. One is 2x Radion Pro plus 4x T5 retro, and the other is an 8 bulb t5 fixture with 2 of the bulbs swapped for LED retro tubes. I am happy with the balance of heat/watts to color/growth. This doesn't mean it's the best for any one thing, just that I'm happy with it for the intended purpose. When I was growing SPS to sell I was using 400w MH. If I wanted simplicity for a small mixed reef I'd probably use a single Radion.

It just depends...

Very good and fair answer. I have a 5-foot tank that I'm trying to light with T5 or LEDs. I'm stuck I just have to make a decision on which to go with. I've heard nothing but good with T-5s and some good with LEDs but with most people I know with LEDs they have switched back to T5.
I have t5's and love them but next time i may spend the extra money to get LED's. The yearly cost of replacing bulbs seems like alot. Then again I have never owned LED's so what do i know. Combo is prolly best of both worlds.
i run the 30inch sb reeflights wifi...and have 2 54watt T5 to supliment....I love how they compliment each other...I will be adding 2 more T5s in the future.
Are you looking to put the lights inside a hood or have a stand alone fixture? Are you trying to be frugal or are you ok with spending for high end stuff? Those two answers will dictate the direction you go.
Mounting in a canopy. I'm not trying to spend 2k but not going for the cheapest option either.
I'd go for 3 led black boxes and a 2x t5 retro kit. There are wifi led boxes now that are pretty decent (viparspectra and others) and all of that total should be somewhere in the $500-600 range. A little more coin could get you 3x older gen Radions or Kessils to go with your t5's.
I've been going back and forth on this in my head a million times. My current 80 gallon SPS tank has been up for a year and a half running a pair of 250w halides with 20K Radium bulbs. I also have a reefbrite XHO for actinic.

I have 2 possible ideas in mind to try:

8 Bulb T5 ATI fixture


A pair of Radion XR15 pros

Not sure if I am going to go through with it. I would really love to have 3 identical tanks, lit 3 different ways. Everything else being completely the same as in a single large sump feeding all 3 so chemistry is identical and see how the Corals respond to each of the different lighting types. I wonder if anyone has ever done this?


I have a tank full of fast growing colorful sps. I run led and t5. Most growth comes from the led because I can adjust growth via the led intensity. My tank is weird though. I don't run detectable nutrients. :)
I have a tank full of fast growing colorful sps. I run led and t5. Most growth comes from the led because I can adjust growth via the led intensity. My tank is weird though. I don't run detectable nutrients. :)

What Leds do you run?
I run Reefgrow but I think they may be out of production now. My buddy Shaun has one he is selling. He runs 400 watt radiums. ;-)
I also run LED / T5 mix on both my tanks - Pacific Sun Pandora Hyperion S 145W LEDs (SMT)

I run this on my frag / quarantine tank (150 gallon) http://www.pacificsun-usa.com/lighting/pacific-sun-pandora-hyperion-s-smt-3x145w-4x54w-t5.html

and I run two of these on my 310 gallon:

Their pics are messed up on that website. 2x145W means there are two "bricks" of LEDs - 4 total SMT arrays. The pic shows three bricks when there are really only two.

I can't say if they grow anything like gangbusters - as I'm two years into a restart and have just re-started SPS a few weeks ago. The Tritons I had before this (Just lED - no t5) did well in an SPS tank.

There are several reasons I went with Pacific Sun
Brand Loyalty - I've had tritons that worked well. At the time I was working with these - these fixtures were easier to work with than Ecotech Radions. I'm sure ecotech has improved since then.
Programabilty - there's a learning curve but nearly everything you want to control can be controlled
One fixture that mixes T5's and LEDs
Natural reef programs

MY LED photoperiod is from 8:10 AM to 8:20 PM. I'm currently acclimating - but I am making my way back to 50% intensity of the LEDs
My T5 Photoperiod is from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
I run the bali par table (the mfg actually went and took spectral measurements 1.8 m below the water surface in Bali and programmed a table for the lights that adjusts each individual LED to that intensity they measured on the reef)

The tough part of any light you buy is the mix between what grows corals well and what looks good to us as we look through the tank (the two scenarios are different). I think Pacific Sun does well in this regard with a balance of good viewing and good growing.

The only downside - you need their software and you can only connect to the lamps via bluetooth (maybe they have wifi now - but when I bought two years ago - they didn't).

My Frag/Quarantine:

Frag / Quarantine Lights:

My 310:

310 Lights:

I have been using 3 Ocean Revive t247 and 2 80w t5's on my mostly SPS 125 gallon tank with success. Here is a link to some pics of my corals. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2630422 I think they are doing pretty good. I also have a 40 gallon tank plumbed into the system using a 4 blub ATI fixture and 2 DIY blue LED strips and I feel it may be a little better for colors but it is really not that noticeable.
I made the switch to led about 8 months ago and they are great for lps and softies. If you go SPS I suggest a hybrid fixture. Leds have come along way but it requires allot of leds to remove the self shading that happens with leds. Leds are fine for sps when they are smaller but if you want larger colonies it will take pretty many of them.

There are advantages and disadvantages to all the types of lighting.

I have been in the hobby over 30 years now and have run all types of lighting. Personally my favorite is t-5 if I could only use one type of lighting at this moment. Hybrid t-5/led would be the best right now, it gives you the best of both worlds.
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