I believe my T. Maxima spawned about 3 weeks ago, but I'm not sure. So here are the particulars for your thoughts.
1.The clam is approx. 10 years old, and I've never seen this happen before.
2.During the day I noticed the excurrent siphon about 3/4" longer than I have seen before.
3.About 15 min. after the main lights went out, (actinics still on), the clam began contracting and with each contraction milky white fluid was ejected. This happened about every 2-3 min. for 45 minutes. The fluid was very opaque and thick early in this period and became much more transparent later on. By the end of the period the tank was very cloudy.
4. With each new squirt of fluid, my fish would attempt to eat the substance. Just about all the corals in the tank extended feeding tentacles except for the pearl bubble which closed.
5. The tank settled in about an hour, and there has been no signs of any problems since the event.
So was this a spawn, or some other event?
1.The clam is approx. 10 years old, and I've never seen this happen before.
2.During the day I noticed the excurrent siphon about 3/4" longer than I have seen before.
3.About 15 min. after the main lights went out, (actinics still on), the clam began contracting and with each contraction milky white fluid was ejected. This happened about every 2-3 min. for 45 minutes. The fluid was very opaque and thick early in this period and became much more transparent later on. By the end of the period the tank was very cloudy.
4. With each new squirt of fluid, my fish would attempt to eat the substance. Just about all the corals in the tank extended feeding tentacles except for the pearl bubble which closed.
5. The tank settled in about an hour, and there has been no signs of any problems since the event.
So was this a spawn, or some other event?