PrangeWay - none of the lfs have cheato
they keep saying no we don't have it or what?? i have some sort of macro algae in mt fuge that has a vine of about 1/16" with leaves on it and it's very hard to get out of my main tank ( i put it in the main tank before, that was stupid on my part.) second i think i'm going to have to order a filter sock b/c i've never seen my lfs have them. i'm going to dyi a skimmer that i saw on here and try it out hopefully in the next couple of weeks. not sure if you saw it but it made a maxi jet powerhead into a needle wheel. i'm thinking of trying that on an 802 powerhead that runs my turboflotor 1000 and see the affects even thought i am pulling 1 liter of green crap out of the skimmer a week. what do you think of this for cleaning once a week:
-carbon change
-fuge cleaning
-blow off rocks w/ powerhead
-skimmer cleaning (complete cleaning)
-use toothbrush that i clean skimmer w/ to get exes algae off back
-and only feed corals and fish twice a week
my live stock is in a 29g:
2 firefish, 1 clown goby, 1 clown fish (all very small)
1 frog spawn, 2 feather dusters, 2 acros (i think, see above pics)
1 hammer, and 3 small colonies of zoas.