T5 Lighting and SPS


New member
I'm setting up another tank, 65g at this point, and need to get some lighting. I was thinking about T5s. Anyone running only T5s over SPS tanks with very good results? If I go with T5s only, how many would you use? I think I can get 4, 6, or 8 bulbs. I'm going with an Aquaspacelight type fixture. Should I just bag the T5 idea and go with 2xT5 and 2x250W MHs?


I still think MH's are a better choice...but if you go with T5s..put as many bulbs in as you can...and I would suggest you read some of the long threads on T5s too. Let me know if you have any questions...T5s are the best flourescent IMHO.
the ati t5s i use make my montis change color from brown to purple/ pink/ blue in no time... i love them...
Thanks for the info..I actually have 4 T5s and now 2 VHOs on my 75 gallon. I just put in some SPS frags and they are getting "acclimated" so to speak. I would have used 6 T5s..but the fact that there isn't a good T5 actinic, I decided to do VHOs for the actinic pop. Hopefully I will have enough light to get results like yours. I appreciate the info.
I have 3 T5's that I use for actincs in my tank, I got them from reefgeek.com; he's the only one that I have seen selling them.

Well according to many others on RC, the Reefgeek actinics that you are referring to don't really flouresce anything close to what the VHO actinics do. In fact, many people don't even use the T5 actinics at all nor do they have much good to say about them because actinics are suppose to flouresce..thats the point of them.

There is one T5 actinic that just came out on the market made by Helios that supposedly flouresces in a way that no other actinic bulb has. GrimReefer has a lot of pics in his gallery of them. I decided to try the VHO route first..then if I wasn't getting enought growth, I'll step up to 2 more T5s in the Helios actinic variety.

Rumor has it that URI is suppose to come out with a T5 line soon. Can't wait for that if its true.
I have to agree with Codeman00. The ATI, which is now D & D, actinics do not pop like the VHO do. I'd like to see if URI or someone else can come out with something that does the trick.

I have a 75 with 4 T% (3 11k & 1 6500k) & 2 VHO actinic. I love they way the VHOs look and wouldn't do it differently ast this point. My SPS are actually growing (thanks to the 1 6500k) and the colors are excellent. Now that I have decided on these 6 bulbs (I tried many different combinations) I love it and have no complaints.

codeman, i have a bali slimer but i think its one of the acros with the lowest requirements, and it cant really color up, but it is a very bright green, brighter than i got it.

i have to say that from the t5-setups ive seen so far, the one from ATI (i think they somekinda invented them) are the BRIGHTEST ive seen. i have a 4*24watt fixture (the ATIs also have higher watts/ inch) with parabolic reflectors for each tube on my 10g and they hurt my eyes...
I run 4 T5s over my 55 gallon 2xGE 6500K, 2x BluePlus overdriven on an icecap 660 with icecap SLR reflectors. PAR is about the same or slightly more than 175 or 150 HQI halides, but 250 HQI blows my T5s away. I have many acros growing well some as low as 2/3rds of the way down the tank. The coloration is great, the growth I consider good, but 250 HQI halides would produce better growth (and a larger electic bill, more heat, and less color).
Interesting about the SPS not growing as much with the T5s vs 250W halides.. From the T5 SPS tanks I've seen, it seems like SPS should grow like weeds.... As far as color, yes, I love the color of my T5 tank..and I will probably very happy with the 2 VHO actinics when my other bulb comes in.

Another intersting thing was that I got a green bali slimer the other day...I put it up at the top of the tank because I didnt have time to epoxy it in...most of the thing bleached out...I couldn't believed it. I had no idea that it was a lower light SPS. I got it out of the light with some color and light left in it..its coming back nicely now.

One thing that won't grow at all is my orange digita. The green one grows at halfway down the tank..the orange won't grow 3 inches below the water surface. I don't know what is with that.

freddie40, are your bulbs overdriven with the Icecap ballast???

Anyone else that has any SPS w /T5 experience, please post.
I love my T5's. I have been using a 6 bulb Tek light on my 75 gallon and have a lot of success with all my SPS. Acropora, Montipora, Porites, really anything that I try. I find that some grow quicker than others but I guess that is to be expected.
I just started a Nano Cube with a Coralife 150W pendant and switched out the suck 20K Coralife bulb for a 14K Phoenix. I've already fragged more than 3/4 of my SPS from the 75 and going to see what the growth differences are. I'd doubt the MH would be much better. I do like the shimmer lines though.
Codeman00, I've got an orange digitata under my T-5's and it grows great. Not nearly what my brown with pink tip digitata does, but it does very well. As a matter of fact, I accidentally bumped it while doing maintenance and the entire orange dig. snapped off. It left the tiniest little piece on the rock that I didn't even notice. An entire colony is now growing from that speck.

Are the clams in your avatar under the T5s? Do clams thrive under T5s?



NewSchool04 said:
I love my T5's. I have been using a 6 bulb Tek light on my 75 gallon and have a lot of success with all my SPS. Acropora, Montipora, Porites, really anything that I try. I find that some grow quicker than others but I guess that is to be expected.
I just started a Nano Cube with a Coralife 150W pendant and switched out the suck 20K Coralife bulb for a 14K Phoenix. I've already fragged more than 3/4 of my SPS from the 75 and going to see what the growth differences are. I'd doubt the MH would be much better. I do like the shimmer lines though.
My crocea shows about an 1/8 inch on new shell growth every couple months or so with a tek four bulb t5 fixture. It is placed high in the tank. I am confident enough that it is doing well that i am buying another...