T5 or MH for 75g tank?

JRANG... the 4 in a fixture of 6 will depend on the number of switches.

in order for lights to work ALL bulbs must be working (that are controlled by a single ballast/switch).

So if that 6x54 has 3 switches (2 bulbs each) the answer is yes, if it has 2 swtich (as I suspect... 3 bulbs each) the answer is no.

Hmmmm.....I will have to do a little research and see what the deal is whith the ballasts.

Reason I was think ing about only using 4 bulbs on a 6X54 model is that later on I could always just add the extra two bulbs if i wanted to keep any SPS or clams. No need to go out and buy another fixture.
I sent a PM to Jrang, showing the fixture with both 2 bulb and then 4 bulbs on...

had a link outside, so I PMed it.. I can send it to anyone else that would care to see...

Ooops.... when I went to order on Seedsetc the 6x54 was $290.

LOL- my mistake knew it was too good to be true for $215 :p
Well, find out if the one you are looking at has individual reflectors or one large reflector. The Tek has individual reflectors for each bulb.

Also look into the ballast / bulb lighting configuration. We know the Tek has 2 ballasts, one controls 2 outter bulbs, the other controls the 4 center bulbs.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6958559#post6958559 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rborgia
check out seedsetc.com for Tek T5 fixtures. This is where I purchased mine. They have reasonable prices and they will sell you the bulbs really cheap of ordered when buying the fixture.

On another forum T5 came up last night... I was told that once (Acros)corals loose their color, they would never regain it back...

Im not sure who told you that, but that is tottaly false. Corals will regain thier color if they are put in an environment that will allow the colors to come out, its as simple as that. Lighting is by far not the only factor in coral coloration. The only reason for them to never get thier color back is the tank they are in simply isnt the right conditions for color to flourish.
Thanks Horace... I decided to leave the lights on for a few months to see what happens. but I also shortened my photo period by one hour stating today... and will run it like this for a few weeks and drop another hour to see if it helps.

currently: 3pm Actnic and one blue + comes on, and at 4pm a blue+ and sun come one... then at 10pm blue+ and sun off, at 11pm actinic and blue + off....

I like the T5 and I like the MH... between color variations, electricity usage, and my wife getting nautious from the MH flicker I decided to change. Seeing some of the other T5 successes was a factor too... I hope it works out.