Taking down tank...selling some livestocks


New member
I have a 5" - 6" red sea sailfin about 2 yrs old and a purple tang about 3". Looking for $70 for the sailfin and $40 for the purple.

Also have:
3" dwarf fuzzy lion for $10
2" green spot mandarin $10
2" royal gramma $5
3" lawnmower blenny $5

2 small pistol shrimp $15 both

2.5" crocea clam $30

I will have dual switch 175w magnetic MH, mag 9.5, and other thing for sell when the livestocks are gone.

I will post pictures later today.

Im interested in 3" lawnmower blenny $5

Good luck with you mold problem. If you really wanted to check for it with out having to pay someone to come out, Cut a section of dry wall off about a foot up from the floor and check it.
I will be taking out liverocks in a few days...so I can catch them. I will let you know when I get him out.

As for the mold, I can see the wall under the wall paper blacken already. So, I think I now have a BIG problem.

Thanks Carlos! I will keep you in mind when I start ripping the wall out.

Got all the PM. Will reply asap. Thanks for all the interest!
I think i have a little giant...model 2-MDQX-SC on the pump.

Alright, going to starbucks to get away from the mold. Will post some pics when I get there.

these are from Nov 4 of last yr and these are the best one i can get. They just won't stay still for the cam. I will post more when I take them tomorrow when I get home. Thanks!


