Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
Got 100 pounds yesterday at the airport. Rock had a lot of macros, some LPS and a fair number of various crabs(emeralds, gorillas and pistol shrimps). Rock was a little dense but overall I'm happy at $6.53/pound shipped in water. Note: I had 100 pounds of Carib Sea Moani dry rock in the tank already.





Is that your old 120?

Yes. I'm just using it to keep my liverock in until the 375 gallon is ready to become a beautiful reef again, loaded with leathers, gorgonians and Florida Ricordia. Got a fish list ready as well!
Current list for the 375:

Purple Tang
Chevron Tang
Achilles Tang
RS Regal Angel
Scribbled Angel
CB Butterfly
Flame Angel
Flame back Angel
Potters Angel
Arc Eye Hawkfish pair
Flame hAwkfish pair
Magnificent Foxface
Red coris wrasse
Christmas wrasse
9 Dispar Anthias
9 Randall's Anthias
Couple fairy wrasses
Got home from work to a stinky house, tank super cloudy and Blech! Rock cycled after all, wife is burning candles:lol: My guess is since the water was really cold when I got it, that it probably was really cold at one point causing the die off. Nothing new to me cycling, but my Humu Humu is in there hiding or dead. My bad for putting him in there.



Time to inspect each rock with you nose....something died....do you have any live sand or source of bacteria?

where is your substrate? Please tell me you did not put all the rock into a tank with no filtration.....the rock is not cycling, it is dying due to water quality being bad....
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Time to inspect each rock with you nose....something died....do you have any live sand or source of bacteria?

where is your substrate? Please tell me you did not put all the rock into a tank with no filtration.....the rock is not cycling, it is dying due to water quality being bad....

No sand, but I had 100 pounds of rock in there prior to adding the new stuff. Three decent pumps for flow. I added a decent amount of Fritz bacteria to help. Water quality was fine when I put it in. At this point, it's already in a hard cycle with die off, so water changes are the order, along with removing dead sponge.
Stinky part is done but lost a lot of crabs, snails and worms. The rock was loaded with life. Still got stuff like macros, sponges and LPS that will make it. I'll still buy more rock when the temps get warmer.