Tamron 60mm macro


New member
Has anyone tried this lens? Tamron is running a 100 dollar mail in rebate on it works out taking aquarium pictures.

It is an internally focusing lens which is nice but I wondered if the 60mm would be limiting.

This would be my first macro lens and I'm looking for a good bang for the buck lens and with the rebate this one seems like a good deal.

Any ideas on the lens are appreciated.
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Take a peak at the macro sticky up top. The lens will give you the same magnification as 100mm, you'll just have to be closer to your subject. If you've got a deep tank, that will limit how close you can get without cropping.
Are you talking about the 60 f/2? I think it's a bit overpriced, and you're paying for the "f/2" speed (which you generally won't need for macros as you will be stopped down anyways) The Tamron 90/2.8 is a better deal, and it offers greater working distance. The 60 is fine for flowers and other non-moving objects, but not so much for bugs and other skittish critters. For tanks, it might not be long enough to get 1:1 of corals in the back of your tank.