Tank and train tracks question?


New member
I just recently moved into a new house that's in a new (being built) neighborhood. During the building process I never even realized we where about a mile exactly from train tracks. Well it seems at night whenever a large freight train goes by the house gets a slight vibration. I have only been able to feel it when im laying in bed in the back corner of the house. Its hard to explain but its soft enough that sometimes im debating if its in my head or actually happening. It doesn't rattle anything or shake anything that can be noticed, just like a soft humming vibration feeling....
My question is, is this dangerous for my 140 gallon reef tank???? Tank is a 5ft long Deep Sea Aquatic 140 gallon reef. Cant recall glass thickness but its decent looking. I now have this fear though the tank will explode... then again the pumps and all move water around and etc so maybe its no big deal???

On a side note, a neighbor mentioned to me that he thinks once the neighborhood has more homes it should compact the soil more and create like a buffer in the ground and should reduce the feeling at our homes??? there is a left and right side of my neighborhood with road in middle dividing them, im on side further from tracks and there are only about 8 houses up with about 40 to go. On the other side of road closer to tracks there are only 2 homes but have about 50+ homes to go. Idea is when those are in it will catch some of the vibration waves in the ground before it makes it to our side of the neighborhood, like a ripple in the water hitting a boat and dissipating???? Still cant believe this is even happening a mile away.
Not an issue..
Nothing needs to be done as far as vibration mitigation/dampening..
The tank will not explode..
All is fine..
Forget you ever thought about this..
you can see it has been keeping me up at night. everytime I am lying in bed and I feel the slight vibration im wondering is the tank about to go out. :(
you can see it has been keeping me up at night. everytime I am lying in bed and I feel the slight vibration im wondering is the tank about to go out. :(

You don't need to worry. People who run their tanks on wave settings place far more stress on the tank, stand, ect. as the water shifts around and their tanks are just fine.
The tank itself will be fine. Just make sure it's leveled and anything hung over it is secure.

I live in S. California and we get small and moderate earthquakes every now and then but I have yet to hear about a tank bursting from them yet.
We live a mile from tracks also. Yeah, you can feel the rumble. No, the tank has not been affected for 20+ years.

Btw probably what you are feeling are from the low frequency sound waves coming thru the air, not vibrations propagated thru the ground.
So to update this some its been a few months. we noticed its a few times a week late at night when I assume a large train comes by and in bed you can slightly feel the vibration. I have even stayed up and looked at water glasses throughout the house and the tank to see if I can see a disturbance on the water and I cant. Its weird. I cant even feel it standing or anything in the house, just lying in bed.

I am curious if anyone would have an idea if its something I could contact someone to have looked into like department of transportation or the rail line? Or will they not care? The area we are in is brand new development and was once not a residential area so don't know if that would change anything? Maybe if train slowed down?
Good luck with that. The tracks were there before the neighborhood.

That's like moving in across the street from the airport, then complaining about the noise from the planes.

On a different note, the only real worry would be resonance frequency of the glass and what the train is putting out. If they are the same, then you will have issues and a busted tank. But if it hasn't happened by now, you are probably OK.
So to update this some its been a few months. we noticed its a few times a week late at night when I assume a large train comes by and in bed you can slightly feel the vibration. I have even stayed up and looked at water glasses throughout the house and the tank to see if I can see a disturbance on the water and I cant. Its weird. I cant even feel it standing or anything in the house, just lying in bed.

I am curious if anyone would have an idea if its something I could contact someone to have looked into like department of transportation or the rail line? Or will they not care? The area we are in is brand new development and was once not a residential area so don't know if that would change anything? Maybe if train slowed down?

I'm not sure what you are concerned about or even talking about..
What do you want looked into? Why you can feel vibrations in your bed but not in other spots of the house?
You think that somehow this is going to be something they would change a train schedule or slow a train down from? You bought a house near train tracks.. Expect potential noise/vibrations,etc...
If so I can save you the trouble... Give me your phone number and I'll happily call you and just flat out laugh hysterically for a few minutes.. That should just about cover what they would do.. :hmm3: :D :p
ya I get it. On one hand was just curious that since this is now a residential area there might be rules or laws as far as speed and such the trains can do in a residential area. I actually had no idea the tracks where even there when we bought and built. Literally heard them for the 1st time the night we moved in. Sounds doesn't bother me though just feeling it sometimes at night.
And yes it was originally freaking me out with the tank. Still a slight concern but it a very small vibration feel, doenst move anything in the house or anything like that, just a slight vibration feel I have only noticed lying in bed.
I get that there is pretty much 0% chance anything will be done. Just sucks I spent a ton and went through hell getting here and never knew anything about it. It is odd though that some neighbors I speak with around me say they haven't noticed, even ones who would be closer to track? Have had a couple say they do as well though. From my lot to track is just under 1 mile also.
Sounds like you might just need a new mattress..
It could be that the low level vibration is matching the resonant frequency of the current bed springs you have.. A different mattress could be all thats needed.. Most have 30 day return policy so you could try it out and take it back and try another one if needed..

People also have different tolerances/thresholds to light/vibration/noise levels,etc...

Lesson learned for you.. In future home purchases its important to check for train tracks/local airports/typical flight patterns/sex offender registry/distance to schools/quality of the school/proximity to border walls,etc.... ;)

The vibration is NOT a concern at all for your tank..
Your real estate agent should have mentioned the train tracks.

There are speed rules for different sections of the tracks and the surrounding area. And I can almost guarantee they are following them. Big fines if they don't.

Like I said, tracks were there first.

How close is the nearest house to the track?

There is a track about a mile from my house that runs right thru the middle of town. It's used at night mostly, for the local traffic. It's owned by a small company that owns the local tracks. They move freight from the small business out to the mini yard on the edge of town. I hear it from time to time at night when they have to blow the whistle when coming to the road crossings. You can blame the stupid people who can't seem to wait for the train for that one.

There is another track about 5 miles from my house. It's the main line that also has Amtrak. I can hear it at night sometimes as well.

Plus the small local airport about a 1/2 mile from the house.

Welcome to a small town.

But I have the beach 5 miles due south and also 5 miles due west from my house.

And I can see the snow covered mountains due north of my house.

Location, location, location. :)
I grew up next to train tracks from age 4 to 18. Even the horn blowing in the middle of the night didn't wake me. You will get use to it, give it some time.
How close is the nearest house to the track? - Underneath it

Plus the small local airport about a 1/2 mile from the house. - LaGuardia

Welcome to a small town. - Queens, NYC

Location, location, location. :)

And I pay so much in rent for the privilege...

Good thing my floors are so old and flexible (I think Ca1ore calls it "shearing" or "deflection"; something you definitely don't want a tank on) that I don't feel the train, jets, subway, diesel tugboats, or rumble of 2 coal-fired power plants.

To the OP: I don't mean to derail. You get used to the noise, and it definitely doesn't bother the tank at that level. Think of someone who has a big speaker/sound system next to the tank (many/most of us).
Fire the real estate salesperson and your lawyer over lunch.
That should have been disclosed to you, then it would be choice.
Up in the north, we have laws protecting home buyers from non disclosure by real estate agents and your lawyer obviously is a dud.