Tank breakdown sale


New member
With hopes of upgrading my system recently, it looks like I'm going to have to step it back a bit and downgrade. Fun...

I am not shipping or parting out anything that isn't mentioned as separate, at least not at the moment.

- 56g glass tank (not drilled) with stand
Sump with wet/dry
Overflow box
Mag 3 return pump

- 24" Aqualight Pro (1x 150w HQI + 2x 65w Actinics + 2 blue LED moonlights)
Suspension kit
System is 8 months old

- AquaC Urchin
with Mag 3 upgrade

Or $450 takes the entire set-up.

Now I have a LOAD of LR and LS, but I haven't weighed it in a long time. It is at least 80-90 lbs of live rock and about 4 bags of live sand, which should be around 80 lbs or so. The rock and sand is full of pods, coralline, bristles, mini stars, etc etc, very nice stuff.

LR is all for $200.00
and LS is $50.00
That puts the rock at about $2.50/lb.

I'll post pictures of everything when I have time to get my hands wet. I'll have some corals for sale, but I have to weed through the ones I want to keep for the smaller tank. I'll post pictures of those when I've figured it out.

I'm also open to a trade if you have a JBJ 24g Deluxe Nano cube, so make an offer.
kimber got any corals you are wanting to get rid of? i could use a few for the 24 i have. lmk on the other site and we can work out something
The live rock is no longer available.

The lighting has been sold, as well.

I will take pictures tomorrow after I empty the tank out. I have pictures of it when I first bought it, but I'll have up-to-date ones soon.