Hey guys, its been awhile since I have been on here and I am still very green to this site but I just wanted to stop in and say hey and show you guys what I have been working on. I was finally able to add over flows and closed loop bulk heads this past weekend. I will be working on buffing this pig out hopefully next weekend. The tank is 15ft x 5ft x 2.5ft. Will be primarily a predator tank. Sump is a 8ft x 3ft x 16." I will be trying to post things up as I do them and will soon have a video on Youtube of the progress. :beer:
Break down of components I have so far for the build:
-2 110g tubs from Tractor Supply for my mixing station
-BRS 180gpd RODI
-1200lbs of pure aragonite sand
-1000lbs of dry rock and still acquiring
-4 Jebao DCT15000 pumps
-MRC skimmer w/reeflo hammerhead pump
-2 72" 150w ea MH lights that will go on one 6ft section of the tank "planning on having a few clams and some coral on a shelf"
-2 maxspect 150 gyres, one on ea side of the tank
-Current USA orbit LED lighting for the rest of the tank
-8 boxes of instant ocean 200g boxes of salt mix
-a **** ton of bulk heads, PVC ranging from 2", 1.5", 1", and 3/4"
There will be 2 closed loop systems and 2 return sections, one supplying the left side and one supplying the right side. Filtration will mostly be biological with all the rock, but ea drain will run through a 100 micron filter sock. There are 6 drains total, 2 per over flow. And then the MRC skimmer. I will have a dedicated electrical circuit on a UPS in case there is a power outage which knock on wood in three years there hasn't been one.
Break down of components I have so far for the build:
-2 110g tubs from Tractor Supply for my mixing station
-BRS 180gpd RODI
-1200lbs of pure aragonite sand
-1000lbs of dry rock and still acquiring
-4 Jebao DCT15000 pumps
-MRC skimmer w/reeflo hammerhead pump
-2 72" 150w ea MH lights that will go on one 6ft section of the tank "planning on having a few clams and some coral on a shelf"
-2 maxspect 150 gyres, one on ea side of the tank
-Current USA orbit LED lighting for the rest of the tank
-8 boxes of instant ocean 200g boxes of salt mix
-a **** ton of bulk heads, PVC ranging from 2", 1.5", 1", and 3/4"
There will be 2 closed loop systems and 2 return sections, one supplying the left side and one supplying the right side. Filtration will mostly be biological with all the rock, but ea drain will run through a 100 micron filter sock. There are 6 drains total, 2 per over flow. And then the MRC skimmer. I will have a dedicated electrical circuit on a UPS in case there is a power outage which knock on wood in three years there hasn't been one.