Tank Drilling


New member
Hey guys and gals. Now I have a 90gal tank that I was gonna upgrade from the 55gal. Neither are drilled and I was talking about the advantages of getting a tank drilled with someone earlier. Now can someone explain what you do when you drill what happens and all that? Mainly just lay out all the format of drilling to me? And also is there anyone here that has drilling equipment and might be able to help me drill the tank if thats what I decide to do?

Thanks in advance
i dont have the tools but im willing to help if we could barrow them from someone.

the drilling process is easy as long as the tank can be drilled(glass is not tempered). all you do is mark where you want the hole place some putty around the hole to hold some water to keep the bit and glass cool and slowly start drilling.
I would really to check to see if the tanks have tempered glass. I would think the 90 at least would be tempered.
How would I know if its tempered? You know I was just asking about drilling, so I can still use my overflow and everything from the 55gal ayway. It might be easier than drilling it and what not.
imo, nothing beats drilling your tank and using bulkheads

you can get a 45mm diamond coated drill bit on ebay from a guy in hong kong for about $20 or so including shipping. Takes a few weeks to get it, but the price is right.

If you have access to a drill press, it would be much easier than trying to use a hand drill...its hard to start cutting without scratching up the glass.
What brand tank? Most all glass tanks have a tempered bottom but not the sides. Im not sure about oceanic.
Nick (MTM) and Jim (GEBC) have both done this I believe? I think Nick used a Dremel Diamond bit but I'm not sure of the details.

Either of them are good sources and I'm also pretty sure Chris (Mbbuna) did his also if I'm not mistaken?