Tank is crashing!


I did a 30 percent water change yesterday and changed out the carbon just to make sure I was using fresh one. The coral seems to be doing much better. The zoos are mostly open, gsp is slowly opening, toadstool still a bit closed.

My issue now is that my clown is now swimming upside down and on it's side. Not are if he's gig to make it at this point. He had been fine till today. Hermits are all doing good.

All parameters are at zero. Salinity is the same as before and the new water was the same temperature as the old one when j did the water change yesterday.
Well... Sad sad day. My clown didn't make it either.

Zoos are opening up nicely. They are not at their original color yet, but I'm sure they willl eventually get there.
id upgrade the tank to at least a 10 gallon nano. JMO, or at least no fragging for sure.
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Sorry to here about the clown. That sucks. I have lost fish for no reason whatsoever. I lost about a month or 2 ago a beautiful pair of onyx clowns. They were eating, swimming, and appeared to be happy. Next morning, wife wakes up and both are dead.

Keep doing what you are doing. You are doing a great job. Especially with pico's that are demanding too keep.

If you think about it, you have only lost one coral and fish thus far in a system that is frowned upon by the reefing community. I have read many of peoples threads that have wiped out complete systems (35-300gal) due to neglect or not doing research or educating themselves on this hobby. You are doing a great job with your little tyke and this is just a small set back. Don't panic, I know you are bummed. But keep on doing a great job! :thumbsup:
Sorry to here about the clown. That sucks. I have lost fish for no reason whatsoever. I lost about a month or 2 ago a beautiful pair of onyx clowns. They were eating, swimming, and appeared to be happy. Next morning, wife wakes up and both are dead.

Keep doing what you are doing. You are doing a great job. Especially with pico's that are demanding too keep.

If you think about it, you have only lost one coral and fish thus far in a system that is frowned upon by the reefing community. I have read many of peoples threads that have wiped out complete systems (35-300gal) due to neglect or not doing research or educating themselves on this hobby. You are doing a great job with your little tyke and this is just a small set back. Don't panic, I know you are bummed. But keep on doing a great job! :thumbsup:

Thanks. It IS pretty demanding. So far it's been a great ride. The wife is a bit bummed on the clown's loss. I don't think I'll be getting any more fish till I set up something bigger. :)
I would get another clown for the pico. Though it would be at least 1-2 months down the road. Let your little systems balance come forth and before you know it, its pretty much self sustaining. Another fish that is very hardy and not demanding is a dart fish: they are small, no scales (not ich magnets), very small bioload, don't require lots of food, and come in different colors. I have heard of owners of pico's keep up to 3 dart fish in their small systems. Just food for thought.
Well... Sad sad day. My clown didn't make it either.
Sorry for your loss jtinoco. :(

One setup I had really thought about doing was a pico with a very large sump before I took the plunge and went larger. Something like andrewkw or Patio's tanks (hope they don't mind me posting their pics!):

There was another one were the guy had it mounted on a desk with a center overflow. I couldn't find that thread. I think those are cool and a little less forgiving with the large water volume. Anyway best of luck no matter what you do.

well a pico is an awesome idea, you shouldnt give up, not that you were thinking to anyways. but that being said having an extra 10-20 gallon tank might help in the keeping of it.

what i did with my 20 gallon is refill it with water from 90 gallon, so anytime i do a 10-15 gallon water change on my 90 then i add that to my 20 gallon. since there is no real filter on the 20 besides a regular one right now, water from my 90 is alot cleaner than the 20. also i do water changes every 2-3 weeks. so right now the 20 is a frag tank of sorts that will eventually be its own setup with the front for fragging i think.

so what im saying is if you keep a successfull pico, then it would help to keep a 10-20 gallon in case you need a place to put things for adventures and for bad times or good times. just gives you options.

wait do you have other tanks set up? or is this it?
Sorry for your loss jtinoco. :(

One setup I had really thought about doing was a pico with a very large sump before I took the plunge and went larger. Something like andrewkw or Patio's tanks (hope they don't mind me posting their pics!):

There was another one were the guy had it mounted on a desk with a center overflow. I couldn't find that thread. I think those are cool and a little less forgiving with the large water volume. Anyway best of luck no matter what you do.


I'm really liking that set up. :)

well a pico is an awesome idea, you shouldnt give up, not that you were thinking to anyways. but that being said having an extra 10-20 gallon tank might help in the keeping of it.

what i did with my 20 gallon is refill it with water from 90 gallon, so anytime i do a 10-15 gallon water change on my 90 then i add that to my 20 gallon. since there is no real filter on the 20 besides a regular one right now, water from my 90 is alot cleaner than the 20. also i do water changes every 2-3 weeks. so right now the 20 is a frag tank of sorts that will eventually be its own setup with the front for fragging i think.

so what im saying is if you keep a successfull pico, then it would help to keep a 10-20 gallon in case you need a place to put things for adventures and for bad times or good times. just gives you options.

wait do you have other tanks set up? or is this it?

Yeah, you're right. More water volume the better.

Right now this is the only set up I have. Now, that you bring it up, the only other set up I have is a 55 gallon freshwater. I am actually wanting to convert it but am having trouble selling the current fish I have in there.
well if you have had this much success with a pico, im sure you will do great with a bigger tank. well get rid of the fish. are they worth alot?
Check out nano-forums. This forum is based for the nano's < 40gal systems. There might be some good ideas there for you to kick around.

There was this thread that i read where a guy got 2-5 gallon buckets from the home depot. Joined them together with a 2" pipe, bulkheads, and a pump on the outside. One bucket was filled to the eyeballs with live rock and sand. The other was filled with chaeto. I agree with Jay and Pedro. Adding a sump will help your little system.

Heck, I might setup a pico for my room now. Anyone selling an acrylic 5-10 gallon tank?
well if you have had this much success with a pico, im sure you will do great with a bigger tank. well get rid of the fish. are they worth alot?
They're decent fish. I'd say my angelfish are worth the most.

I had some person offer me 10 bucks for a mated pair of black marble angelfish. Thougt it was a bit low.
Check out nano-forums. This forum is based for the nano's < 40gal systems. There might be some good ideas there for you to kick around.

There was this thread that i read where a guy got 2-5 gallon buckets from the home depot. Joined them together with a 2" pipe, bulkheads, and a pump on the outside. One bucket was filled to the eyeballs with live rock and sand. The other was filled with chaeto. I agree with Jay and Pedro. Adding a sump will help your little system.

Heck, I might setup a pico for my room now. Anyone selling an acrylic 5-10 gallon tank?
That's not a bad idea. This one is set up near the kitchen but will go in my home office once I finish up arranging the office.
Well this is where you have to choose like the Matrix, the red pill or the blue pill. you cant choose both unless you are Kevin Vonfinger, and we already established that he is the most interesting man in the world so he is the only one that can choose both.

The questin is salt or fresh you have to choose sides, with out choosing will be hard trying to maintain your aquariums. what works for fresh doesnt allways work for salt.
Well this is where you have to choose like the Matrix, the red pill or the blue pill. you cant choose both unless you are Kevin Vonfinger, and we already established that he is the most interesting man in the world so he is the only one that can choose both.

The questin is salt or fresh you have to choose sides, with out choosing will be hard trying to maintain your aquariums. what works for fresh doesnt allways work for salt.

I'll take the red pill. Lol. I just need to get rid of my current FW fish. This tank has been running for a while but now I want to switch.
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Was able to sell my freshwater tank in a day with fish and everything.

Now the hunt begins for a bigger tank. :dance:
Nice!! There are a ton of people getting rid of tanks right now. I don't know about EP. but in phx/Tucson, they are selling some pretty sweet systems for very good prices. The Coral Reef also has a good selection of tanks as well in there new expanded area.