Well....I spent most of the morning wallowing in self pity.....and in the mean time, all these very nice comments are piling up....thank you all very much. As for an update...
1) All sps are gone with the exception of one stylo that I never really liked to begin with....now, it's the star.
2) All softies gone....toadstool, xenia, mushrooms, and ricordea
3) All LPS seem to be doing OK
4) All fish OK
5) Anemones are so-so....time will tell here.
6) My redox is slowly coming back up. Operational redox was 400.....it is now 280....its low was 110!!!
7) The skimmer is pulling out mass amounts of gunk....good thing I cleaned those pumps. lol
8) The plan now is to do a 20% water change every three days for a couple of weeks and let things settle out. At which time, I have a vacation to take. Upon my return, I will add some rock (since I removed quite a few rocks with attached dead coral) and evaluate some new aquascaping ideas that I have in mind....although, the central canyon concept will remain the same. I'll post some pics at that time....and who knows....maybe a few of the carnage if I can muster up the energy to take pics of bucket after bucket in the back yard.
9) In retrospect, I don't view this as an accident....I view it as a total failure on my part. I had a low risk solution to the problem and I failed to realize it....the fault was mine by choosing to over-react.
Again thanks for all your kind offers and sentiments. I appreciate them. The Pheonix will rise from the ashes.