Tank of the Month - February 2004

WOW :eek1: :eek2:

Visit my website.....http://www.reefbum.com
Dear god,

That tank is incredible, best of luck with everything, keep up the godlike work...
It is amazing the colors, health and variety of life in your tank. The pictures do as much justice as possible, but it is simply one of the best tanks to sit for hours and admire.

Thanks Cris for your time and generosity in sharing your knowledge and experiences with the rest of us. It is appreciated more than you may realize.

A well deserved honor for an outstanding example of a reefer.

Cris's tank is just awesome. I've had the opportunity to check it out a few times and it's much better in person. These pics don't do his tank justice at all. Not only does his tank have a great variety of color, he's also a very generous, knowledgable, and passionate (sp?) reefer. A few of my frags are from him and they're all doing great. His family and him always welcomes me over with arms wide open when I come to buy frags. :p I truely strive for my tank to be something like his in the future. Cris, keep up the good work and thanks a million bud. :thumbsup:
February 2004 Tank of the Month

February 2004 Tank of the Month

Your tank is a work of art! Wonderful mix of both soft and stony corals. Do you have any more detailed pictures of your 120 gallon tank converted to your sump? I am wanting to add a refugium to my setup that would possibly replace my wet/dry trickly filter and was searching for ideas.
Congratulations, and thanks for the amazing pics.
Congratulations Chris!

What a fantastic reef. One of the most beautiful reefs in the world.

Wonderful collection Cris! The variety and color is outstanding. I didn't see how long it has been setup in the article.

Great job!

Fantastic! The variety of colors and corals are great!! I love the mix of softies and hard corals and those little baby cardinals are soooooo darn cute!!

Congrats on your Tank!!!