Tank Pics


Premium Member
Well I finally figured out how to post pics. So here are a couple form my tank.






Yeah it was... I just pruned it all out.:D

So now I am rid of the Xenia for a little while.
I am in the process of setting up a 90g and this tank will have NO XENIA!!
I trimmed a lot of Xenia a couple weeks ago and every little bit left is growing back with a vengance. Agree'd, next tank: No Xenia, NONE!
if you trim it, it will just grow back from leaving bits and pieces. try scratching 1 edge of its base tissue, and you should be able to peel the xenia right off the rock and itll never grow back there again. they come off very easy this way too, i actually like doing it.. lol
I actually fif fo this to a couple of the pieces but it was such a pain to sit there and scratch them all off. Eventually I got fed up and just cut 'em off. The stuff grows like weeds in my tank.

Oh yeah the price for the small GSP frags is $5 if anyone is interested.
Xenia frags $5 mounted and $4 unmounted ( they are tied in bridal vail)


i 4got to compliment your tank!!! great looking tank though.

what is that blue on the far left under the xenia in the pic? it looks really good! is it some type of encrusting monti? dont know of anything else that blue besides clams really.
I am not really using anything to process the pics. They are straight from the camera only resized.

As for the blue area beside the xenia it is a crocea.


Well when I first started out I had 4 x 96watt PC and I was able to keep some acros, and three clams (on the sand bed). I never lost any corals.

Now I have 2 x 250watt halides over the same tank. (55gallon)

My corals and clams never browned or showed signs of poor polyp extension whatsoever.

I mean it is not recommended to keep clams under anything but halides, (not sure about T5's). I guess it all depends on the clam or placement in the tank.

the only thing that really did bug me with the clams was that growth was really slow with the compacts. with the halides I get a new scute almost every couple of weeks.
Even so I would hate for you to spend money on a clam and have it die due to lack of lighting. BTW what type of lighting do you have?

I still have the compacts in a box, they just need new bulbs. The bulbs are about 9 months old.
Mike, Very Nice tank, what coral is the one on the second picture? can I get a frag? I will buy or swap with something else that you need, you've seen my tank just let me know.

Mike, Very Nice tank, what coral is the one on the second picture? can I get a frag? I will buy or swap with something else that you need, you've seen my tank just let me know.

That's my Blue/Green A. Turaki

It is just a little bit too small to frag right now. I will definitely keep you in mind when the time does come to frag it. It is one of my favorites.

