Tank pics

Wow look at his 3rd pic Mike posted and the 8th pic that I posted. Look at the growth! My pic was taken in January during the tank tour and his apears to be taken in June. The bright blue clam is in the same pic. Nice
Thanks all, for your kind words. Al that is the same piece it is growing very fast. Al how is you anenome doing? I am up for a tank tour and I would be willing to host again since we did not have a great turn out at the last.
Your tank was looking good last time, Mike. I'd be glad to view it again and see how it has grown.

Time to think of fall TanK Tours again.
I would love to have you guys come see it. I hate showing the tank to non reeefers they have no idea what half the stuff is and no idea of the time and energy that goes into maintaining a reef tank. Sorry I don't want to come accross as a reef snob but it is nice to talk and view with people who can appreciate it for all it's worth.
I'd love to see your tank Mike. If the tour happens later this year, in a couple of months perhaps Damnpepshrimp and I could show at the time. We just found out last night my apartment is across the street from his. Closer then Chris and Philip were.
Haha, yeah, small state. My tank won't be show worthy for a while, it's not even up yet! Unless I get a decent amount of money somehow, even then, it goes towards bills! Wish I still had my angels, they would be a sight to see, something a reefer might not be able to appreciate, since they can't have them! We'll see how things go, I need to find people fragging soon, first get the tank up and the halides going, haha. Nice tanks everyone!
Wow is that a dendro in the first pic? I love it!! I want one so badly! Hard to find... Very beautiful tank!!
Yes there are a few dendros. One I got from Miguel at fragglereef when he was still in Philly. They are great open all the time.

I also have another type of dendro I will try to get a pic of located on the back of that rock.
Thanks Jon. Yeah, I am about 2 hrs away now, so its not too bad, but I am also about 3 hrs and 45 mins from dr macs, and that is a hike.

Actually it is a very shallow sandbed, only about a 1/2 inch on half the tank. I only threw in some sand that I had layng around and I liked the way that looked so I didn't add any more from my old tanks.
heres a few pics of mine...

Wow thats amazing looking puts mine to shame!! Lol
ungwhat I still need to get in touch with you for some aquascaping help!! We'll have to see what we can figure out schedule wise. But again.... Amazing tank.
Sweet tank. Looks like you have a couple of really big corals in there. So much purple as well. Have to say I am jealous, I don't have half that purple in my tank.
