tank pics


Premium Member
Well, since the tank was spotless from the tank hop, I had to shoot a few pics today. I'll share them for anyone who missed us yesterday.



Thanks guys!

Gasman, the tank is filling in nicely! The tomini cracks me up, he doesn't care about other tangs, but loves to chase the midas blennies around.

Pedro, if you're talking about the red monti cap, I broke a little piece while cleaning this week. I could bring you a frag tomorrow night, just let me know.
Jeff, nice meeting you and your wife, as you know, your tank is outstanding! Almost inspired me to go off the deep end again.;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11413638#post11413638 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dpdash
Jeff, nice meeting you and your wife, as you know, your tank is outstanding! Almost inspired me to go off the deep end again.;)

Nice meeting you too, Doug. Sorry we missed your tank on the hop, we just ran short of time.