Tank Sale: Emptying my tank


New member
So ill be moving in may and will want to start fresh once we get settled. Also don't want to try to transport a stocked tank across the country. I have about 40-50lbs of LR and a big piece covered in star polyps and orange skirt polyps. So heres the stock list and prices.

Two paired of Snowflake clowns w/6 headed frogspawn that they've hosted:80$ OBO
LR w/ corals covering it: 40$ OBO
LR shelf piece w/ polyps: 40$ OBO
ricordia and acan (i think) : 10$ OBO
single head frogspawn: 10$ OBO

for the base rock I'm not sure of the weight so ill say come by pick a piece you like feel the weight and make a honest offer. Ive gotten to meet good people here so I'm trusting.

I have tons of nacreous snails and blue legs that ill fish out for 5$.

Sorry for the overly blue pics.

Text me 8133992306 if you're interested or for more pics.


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How many blue legs we talking about, roughly? I am unfamiliar with that named snail. Link?
Ill be at Coral Mania this weekend. how far are you from the tampa fairgrounds?

about an hour south

Wish you were closer, I'd love the clowns.

Im in bradenton and although i don't like the idea of traveling with everything I'm willing to do it.

How many blue legs we talking about, roughly? I am unfamiliar with that named snail. Link?

Probably 20 or so blue legs..

Im willing to let everything go, including rock, for 240 OBO.
AS of right now whats on hold is the Acan, Ric, single head FrogSpawn, and the Frogspawn tree. Ive gotten a lot of no replies or responses so the fish are still available as I'm not trying to chance people down.

Whats available:
Snow Flake Clowns 60$ for the pair
LR with tons of mixed coral on it 40$
Single head frogspawn 10$
LR 2x(15$) (20$)

most corals pending. All rock is still available including that with coral on it. Asking price is 40 OR BEST OFFER! Shoot me a text at 8133992306 some awesome pieces available! I don't have a way to weigh it so we'll go by feel.

Pick up pending for clowns and frogspawn colony. Ill be at Home Depot in New Tampa tomorrow at 7 text me if you want anything as i will leave tomorrow afternoon.
Update Clowns Sold along with frogspawn colony.

Still available are the rocks and smaller corals. Changing price to 20$ for the coral rocks and 10$ for all other rocks. PM me or text me for availability. 8133992306
BUMP still have 2 frogspawn and the softies available along with the rock piece with orange skirts pink polyps and green star polyps. Ill take 40 for all of it OBO for individual pieces.

Text me at 813399two306 for more pics and whatnot.
Please ignore my pm I thought I would b able to find time to make the long drive but won't b able to.
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