tank shots


New member
I finally figured out how to post pictures so I thought I would share some.
My juvenile chevron and a small yellow tang.

My purple tang...spots are on the glass not thefish

Side shot
I had a chevron years ago. Cool fish, I wish there was a way to keep the colors. Mine got so dark I sold it.
Thanks for the compliments. Dan your advice has certainly played a big role in my success...thank you. I hope to have a tank as beautiful and healthy as yours some day. My system is a custom Reef Savvy 140 gallon 72"X18"X 25" 3 side starfire glass, internal overflow with 1.5"beananimal drain system, reeflo goby return, 3 ecotechmarine radions, 2 mp40es, basement sump, apex controlled...soon to be sps dominated...all frags right now but growing rapidly.