Tank take down - moving - Endicott NY


New member
Moving and need to downsize - At the least I need to remove 75% of rock / corals

Keeping from the plate on the right side of the middle to the right of the tank (~25%) - all else must go!


$600 for all coral / LR (~80lbs) (sand) to the left of plate coral (in pic ~75% of tank), + 75g tank & stand, ++ 6 bulb TEK T5 light
I'll help ya get it in your truck too.

Will take offers on rock & corals - prefer to at least remove the live stuff. Will even trade the lot for nice LED light for a ~30g
Will split up
- $400 for all rock / corals listed (left 2/3 of tank) - Will split off corals only off for better deal (I can keep the plain LR in a tub)
- $200 75g tank + light (after corals gone)
