Tank Teardown


Premium Member
After debating this for the last week, going back and forth, it breaks my heart literally to say I am breaking down my 110. I wont rerally go into details as far as why, but its something I feel I have to do. I will be back in the hobby sometime in the furture, but for now, my pride and joy is getting scrapped.

This will be a controlled teardown, and not a one week rush and sell everything off, my livestock's health and wellbeing is very important to me, as such I have to do this the right way.

I have pretty decent equipment which I will list after the livestock is completely gone.

Mated pair of Black Saddle Back Clowns - 45 dollars
- male was purchased from Sea in the City in Orlando from Marcey's private stock.

1 - Orange spotted Sand Sifting Goby - 10 Dollars

1 - Blue Tang (Healthy eater, comes out when you walk up to the tank) - 25 Dollars

1 - Fox Face - 20 Dollars

1 - Elegant Wrasse - 30 dollars

1 - Coral Beauty - 15 Dollars

1 - Tomini Tang - 20 Dollars

1 - Algae Blenny - 5 Dollars

1 - Large Green Brittle Star - 10 Dollars

I will be removing most of the rock from the tank and moving it to the sump to aide in the capture of all the fish.

At last count I had 1 fire shrimp 2 Cleaner Shrimp and 5 peppermint shrimp, I will need to double check this as the fish and rock get removed, but I will sell all for 25 dollars, for all the shrimp.

I have roughly 110 Pounds on Live rock all Prime Fiji, with great color 4 dollars per pound. As far as the Coral go I have given away all my sps to a friend already, all I have left is some LPS and softies

6 Headed Green Frog Spawn - 60 dollars

5 inch diameter Cabbage Coral - 15 dollars

Rock with about 15 polyps mushroom - 30 dollars

I was re-habbing some eagle Eye zoas about 40 polyps on rock with green zoas - 45 dollars

Red Bubble Tip Anemone - 70 Dollars, I bought it from Reefs Edge, if you have been there you know how much I paid for it

As I said the equiptment will be sold after all the livestock is gone.

I have halides (hamilton 175 retrofit kit DUAL with quick connects and magnetic ballasts ultra quiet), a recirc skimmer (current usa), quitone pump ( main return), 3 Koralia pumps, UV sterilizer I have to check the wattage. 110 AGA, custom stand 50 gallon custom sump/fuge.

Once again this is not something that I want to do but something that is needed for right now. My livestock will only be sold to stable tanks, where I know they will thrive. If you have any questions please email me at amcbrainiak@hotmail.com

I will not hold anything for anyone, first come first serve, if you want to purchase equipment, before the livestock is sold, email me and I will provide pricing, from that point you can make a deposit. Click the house for some pics, I will provide additional pics on request.

If this doesnt go as planned I will probably donate the entire setup to my local Elementary School.

Its been a wild ride, and thank you all for all the help and support, once again I know I will be back in the hobby again.
I will like to take all the shrimps... I could be there tomorrow i will pm you my number so you could give me directions to get there...


WLDSHARK, I will need to get most of the rock out to catch them. I will pull the rock Saturday afternoon and put the shrimp in a "hamster box". pm or email me your email address and number, you will have first dibs so to speak after I catch them all.
Oh I have a few other pieces of soft coral, that will be sold to people who actually show up and purchase fish, and or equipment. It pains me to even do this and I actually hate putting a price on things that I have put work into.

Not a problem.. if you need help i will be available Sat morning after 9 am...til noon...

let me know...

you got PM'd my number.

sorry to hear your getting out i hope everthing works out. ill help you out, ill take the wrasse and the Tomini Tang . which Koralia powerhead are they?
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I cant believe your leaving us. I hope you return soon. I would take the Orange spotted Sand Sifting Goby, the Algae Blenny and the shrimp if WLDSHARK does not. I will pm you my number. I can come over on monday.
I have responded to all PM's. Tomorrow I will work out the list of who is first for what, then get in touch with everyone to schedule pickup. Didnt know that this would be this difficult.
THis is the list as stands, if people do not show up I will not hold anything for anyadditional time.

JDMCTR - all livestock and anemone( SATURDAY MORINING)
dp122098 - all live rock (SATURDAY MORNING)
THe shrimp have been spoken for but I will get an accurate count once the rock and fish have been removed, this will also give me a better picture of the corals, and which JDMCTR is not buying. I will post a list of the people in line for the coral's that I mentioned.

Once this is gone, I will be posting prices of the remaining items, if the do not show I have made a list of people who have pm'ed or emailed me to schedule pickup. Within 24 hrs you will all know where you stand, if at that point you still want to purchase you will be notified according to the responses. Thank you for your patience