tank vs kimbo

that guy that got the knee to the face definately needed the fight stopped. Also the other guy that scott smith knocked out was out cold. actually all the fights where stopped appropriately IMO.
Yeah, that's pretty much the point.
If you want a 10 count, watch boxing not MMA.
The best MMA refs are able to immediately stop a fight when one guy can't defend anymore, otherwise you're looking at permanent injuries... or worse.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11870839#post11870839 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Yeah, that's pretty much the point.
If you want a 10 count, watch boxing not MMA.
The best MMA refs are able to immediately stop a fight when one guy can't defend anymore, otherwise you're looking at permanent injuries... or worse.

i second this.
mma isnt boxing.
getting hit w/ a boxing glove is different from getting hit w/ mma gloves.
its practically bareknuckle.
the second the human body goes limp, there so many weapons that can apply to it after,
permanent injury is very possible.

for example, the liddel and rampage fight.
liddel was out for literally 1/2 a second.
and the fight was stopped.
the crowd was angry but it was a good call.
mcarthy is the best ref in the business.

as far as tank.
he didnt do anything unexpected.
everyfight in the last 5 years ended pretty much the same.
i said he would last 2 minutes...
he didnt even do that.
the show felt more like a carnival than an actual fight
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11870839#post11870839 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
If you want a 10 count, watch boxing not MMA.

Thanks for your kind advise.

Do you truly believe those guys were knocked out when they fell to the floor?

If you do, then you truly have never been involved in Mixed Martial Arts tournaments.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11872393#post11872393 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
Thanks for your kind advise.

Do you truly believe those guys were knocked out when they fell to the floor?

If you do, then you truly have never been involved in Mixed Martial Arts tournaments.

Sorry Frankie, if that came off wrong. I meant no offense to you.

As for MMA tournaments, no, I've never taken part in one (I'm not that masochistic ;)), but I've got a little experience in the general area.
I've always loved martial arts and took several styles in my youth, taught a martial arts course at a local K-6th private school, and did a ton of full contact sparring (one ending in an ambulance ride for 3 ruptured discs which still bothers me 15 years later).
On a side note I had a funny coincidence last week, I was talking with Ninjamini and found out that his father-in-law was one of my old Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu instructors from way back when I was 16 and trained at the University Karate Center. Small world, eh?

As for those guys being knocked out?
There is a definite difference between being unconcious "knocked out" and being unable to defend yourself "knocked out".
I've had my bell rung hard enough to experience both.
If you fall to the floor and are unable to put up a defense against the next blow that's coming then for all intensive purposes you are "knocked out" because even if you aren't unconcious atm, you will be very soon, and there's nothing you can do about it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11874473#post11874473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
As for those guys being knocked out?
There is a definite difference between being unconcious "knocked out" and being unable to defend yourself "knocked out".
I've had my bell rung hard enough to experience both.
If you fall to the floor and are unable to put up a defense against the next blow that's coming then for all intensive purposes you are "knocked out" because even if you aren't unconcious atm, you will be very soon, and there's nothing you can do about it.

i agree with this, its better to able to try and get a rematch later on then not be able to fight ever again. since boxers stop swinging once the other is on his way down, they are not in as much danger as mma fighters, who will keep on going till the ref jumps in
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11874473#post11874473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Sorry Frankie, if that came off wrong. I meant no offense to you.

As for MMA tournaments, no, I've never taken part in one (I'm not that masochistic ;)), but I've got a little experience in the general area.
I've always loved martial arts and took several styles in my youth, taught a martial arts course at a local K-6th private school, and did a ton of full contact sparring (one ending in an ambulance ride for 3 ruptured discs which still bothers me 15 years later).
On a side note I had a funny coincidence last week, I was talking with Ninjamini and found out that his father-in-law was one of my old Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu instructors from way back when I was 16 and trained at the University Karate Center. Small world, eh?

As for those guys being knocked out?
There is a definite difference between being unconcious "knocked out" and being unable to defend yourself "knocked out".
I've had my bell rung hard enough to experience both.
If you fall to the floor and are unable to put up a defense against the next blow that's coming then for all intensive purposes you are "knocked out" because even if you aren't unconcious atm, you will be very soon, and there's nothing you can do about it.

No problem, just a little old to be told what to do on my free time ;)

I've had my share of experiences in martial arts and plenty of street fights as well. My two kids have gone a more disciplinary training than I did back in Cuba. They were taught by Sensei Johhny Giordanni (Jujitsu Do Ka) a few years back. My oldest one winning state championship in UMA back in 2001. So, I'm not stranger to the circle as well.

In any case apologies accepted.

Let's move on...

I played both instances in TIVO time and time again and both fighters have fallen keeping their guards and if you go into the fighting forums you'll notice most tend to agree that is was a premature call, but I'm no judge.

I agree however, that they must protect the fighters. In that case shouldn't Kimbo had been disqualified after hitting Tank 3 times in the back of the neck. That could have put anyone into a dazze

I miss the old UFC fights.

Good night,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11874473#post11874473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
If you fall to the floor and are unable to put up a defense against the next blow that's coming then for all intensive purposes you are "knocked out" because even if you aren't unconcious atm, you will be very soon, and there's nothing you can do about it. [/B]

also just one more thing to note,
the strikes can come be from the ground.
there is a sensitivity ground fighters rely on for openings.
the moment the body goes limp, its almost extinctual to go for an arm or worse yet, a leg.
all it takes is a split second.

since that body part will lay still/limp and wont fight back,
a limp arm or leg, will get ripped off.

speaking of old ufc, i miss pride...
I have to agree with Clockwurk and Loyalrogue....

My borther trains for MMA, and competes with his team around the country. After speaking with them often about those moments that the fighter can not defend himself (goes limp)
Once that happens your brain goes thru such a shock that the communication between brain and body does not reconnect very well.....they compare it to being very drunk.
Limbs do not respond well, and you struggle to regain full alertness...and in a sport were facial injury is very possible or a limb can get broken easily it's not worth it.

In boxing you get the 8 count which lets you recover, in MMA without the 8 count, the beating just keeps coming...definately not worth the possible injuries.
And very, very true...tank needs to retire!!!
When a person gets shocked .... they are basically out of it until they come back to reality which could be seconds....minutes ....ect .. This is very dangerous as the person seems aware and there to an untrained eye.

When a person gets knocked out , they are out... no question about it.

The human body is alot more fragile than some people realize. I know people / and of people that have died from taking blows to the base of the skull, so it's good that refs ingrain in the fighters brains it's a very bad thing to do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11874588#post11874588 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
I played both instances in TIVO time and time again and both fighters have fallen keeping their guards and if you go into the fighting forums you'll notice most tend to agree that is was a premature call, but I'm no judge.

I agree however, that they must protect the fighters. In that case shouldn't Kimbo had been disqualified after hitting Tank 3 times in the back of the neck. That could have put anyone into a dazze
Ahhh, that clarifies things for me.
I mistakenly thought your comments were a generalization against Refs being overly cautious and stopping matches in that split second of judgement when a fighter goes down.
I guess I've had too many arguements with idiots at work who have a "bloodsport" mentality and don't have any respect for the gravity of the situation.

Since I don't have Tivo I can't go back and give you my unqualified opinion of whether or not those two were still in a condition to defend or not.
I'll just have to accept the Ref's judgement for what it was.

And yes, I think Kimbo should have definitely been disqualified for that crap.
He's got about as much respect in my eyes as Tyson right now, so they may as well match those two up for the spectacle as somebody said earlier.
He might be able to say he trained with a world class pro, but it doesn't look like he learned any class from Bas at all.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11876341#post11876341 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Once that happens your brain goes thru such a shock that the communication between brain and body does not reconnect very well.....they compare it to being very drunk.
LOL, does that brings back memories.

I could always take a punch pretty well, but I once got nailed with a big right square to the chin that rattled my brain so bad that it was like instantly looking thru a drunken haze.
The tunnel vision. The brain being disconnected from the body.
I knew exactly where I was, but I couldn't have said it coherently to someone at that moment to save my life.
I remember just standing there, with my guard still up, jaw hanging open, but not able to move a muscle.
Like being "knocked out" but still standing on my feet.

All I could do was stand there and watch everything in slow motion as he landed two more right on my open jaw before I finally fell backwards.
I couldn't chew anything for almost two weeks after that.
It sucked bigtime, but I'm so lucky it didn't get broken.
Ahhh, goodtimes, goodtimes. :p