Tanked info.

I know that I'll probably get flamed for this. But, I do watch the tv show Tanked (Purely for entertainment) But, to anyone who doesn't watch it but was wondering about how their tanks are cycled/ set up. But I watched the new episode and in answer, they do not cycle, but they do use nitrifying bacteria on their tanks.

P.S. Sorry if this has been posted already

P.S.S. I don't necessarily agree with how they stock/set up their tanks, I do however think that they do make amazing tanks.

I think that shows like that are very much edited. I think much more time passes then the show implies. I believe that all of the customers they build tanks for are real and I also think if we were to learn how much they pay for the tanks we would pass out. Also there is no way their customers take care of the tanks they build for them on their own and I'm sure a service comes along with the builds. I think the low side of many of the tanks they build start at $20,000 and go up from their. I would not be surprised to learn the high side in in the millions. So they are not getting that kind of money and leaving a trail of dead fish in their wake. There is allot that goes on we do not see I'm sure.

For starters I bet a company like that within their building have much live rock and live sand that is already mature they can use as needed. The water they use I bet has their own magic formula with whatever that helps the fish some how when the tanks are very new.

But you can bet when they are setting up tanks for that kind of money it's not the same as if you or I set up a tank. I'm sure they have an army of pros that visits the tanks everyday that do whatever is necessary during any break in cycle. Every now and then they seem to let slip about some product they use that helps the process. I think I remember in one episode they buy real sea water. I did not even know you could do that and I'm afraid to know how much it cost. :bigeyes:
In case anyone is wondering, a friend of mine was just in Vegas and stopped by their shop. They were in the middle of filming for the next season, but the entire cast was nice enough to come out and take pictures with him and his wife. He talked to the General and said he was exactly how he is on TV. They are really the nice quirky bunch you see on TV.

This is nice to hear. Thanks
Personally, I like the show, they are a bunch of characters and make for good entertainment.....which is what TV is intended for. After a day sitting in front of the computer, going to meetings, working in a lab and reviewing drawing upon drawing, I don't want to watch informational shows....I want to watch garbage.

Let's face it, if that show got into the technical side of things it wouldn't make it more then a few episodes. Who would want to watch 4 weekly episodes of a tank cycling with dry rock from BRS...honestly.

If you're a "real" hobbyist, you'll enjoy every aspect of the hobby, and be excited for every tank that gets set up, regardless of how wrong or right it may be.

I envy those guys, they are living the dream, I'll take their paychecks and daily antics over my profession and home tank any day of the week.

I love the show as well. All I can think when I watch is, who is going to take care of that tank.
The people on tanked act immature and build aquariums for people who barely know what a fish is. The other show, Tank kings, is much more educational and the people on it are experienced reefers and aquarists who focus on the fish and coral, not the drama. They also make aquariums for major clients like public aquariums who will actually take care of their livestock.

Ho please, It's just entertainment. nothing more nothing less. Tank kings just fight with each other most of the time with the owner of their company as exciting as a mud puddle. It's just TV shows. Why do we find it so necessary to be critical?
I like the show...because it makes people want to go out and invest thousands of dollars on a tank, and when they realize how it's not as easy as it seems, it ends up on CL for a third of the price :)

"No rain, no rainbow"
I think that shows like that are very much edited. I think much more time passes then the show implies. I believe that all of the customers they build tanks for are real and I also think if we were to learn how much they pay for the tanks we would pass out. Also there is no way their customers take care of the tanks they build for them on their own and I'm sure a service comes along with the builds. I think the low side of many of the tanks they build start at $20,000 and go up from their. I would not be surprised to learn the high side in in the millions. So they are not getting that kind of money and leaving a trail of dead fish in their wake. There is allot that goes on we do not see I'm sure.

For starters I bet a company like that within their building have much live rock and live sand that is already mature they can use as needed. The water they use I bet has their own magic formula with whatever that helps the fish some how when the tanks are very new.

But you can bet when they are setting up tanks for that kind of money it's not the same as if you or I set up a tank. I'm sure they have an army of pros that visits the tanks everyday that do whatever is necessary during any break in cycle. Every now and then they seem to let slip about some product they use that helps the process. I think I remember in one episode they buy real sea water. I did not even know you could do that and I'm afraid to know how much it cost. :bigeyes:

Merlin you are very much on the right track, there is way more behind the scenes than the viewer could possibly know. I worked with the the crew from Tanked to film 2 custom installs in Tampa. My company was hired as the "on set aquarium system and livestock professionals". It was a very lengthy contract with very strict guidelines and procedures that need to be followed to ensure all would run smoothly and not harm the livestock. It took 8 days and nights to film and install 2 systems. ATM brought in two employees just to do plumbing and system set ups behind the scenes. one system was 80% pre plumbed back in Vegas and required some gluing at places like bulkheads and some unions. The second system had some preplanning but because the filtration was in it's own room behind the system, plumbing was done on the fly after each component was set in place. The ATM plumbing crew spent 2 nights until 2AM and 3 full days to completely install the system and all of it's components.
I had to make sure that the tanks water was just right as we acclimated the livestock and no fish were introduced until I said it was okay.
My company was then required to test every major / minor water parameter and shoot video of the livestock in each system for more than 10 days after the filming stopped and fill out paperwork that is emailed or texted to the shows technical consultant. Now that the systems are a month old we are into our usual maintenance routine.

As for the way they act on TV...same guys when the camera is off...Wayde and I grew up in the same Long Island town and have common friends. He and Brett goof on each other 24/7, I witnessed this from the moment they got off the plane, at dinner, all during the shoots. There is very little acting going on here, they just turn the cameras on and film with some direction added to "Control the Chaos"
Thats really good to hear TAS. I was always terrified about how much livestock was killed by them by just dumping them in, but your post set me straight on it.

Thank you.
TAS, nice to hear all that behind the scenes stuff. I figured they weren't acting. It would be impossible to find an aquarium company full of actors!

I would love to know how much some of these tanks are. In one episode they said the materials, aka acrylic, was $10,000 - their cost. And what is the going rate to send two dudes to LA to pick out fish! :)
I'm thoroughly surprised throughout this thread nobody has referred to her as anything but 'the blonde'. Gentlemen, she has a name. It is Agnes.

+1 for the blonde

Another vote for the blonde

another vote for blondie

gonna have to put another +1 for the blonde =)

Another +1 on the blonde. Some day she will sell me my dream aquarium. Lol

Try and find a TV show that the whole family can enjoy. Tanked is one of the few shows that we all like to watch.

We try and catch the editing goofs like when they showed that Wade broke the windowwith the baseball on the bus door but if you watch, it shows the broken window in a earlier shot.

The other one we saw is the spade tank. The first version is a mock up because the two sides are different. Looks like they were trying both shapes to see what looked better and decided to make a stunt out of it.

+1 for the show and +1 for the blonde! lol!

Come on, no love for the redhead
TAS, nice to hear all that behind the scenes stuff. I figured they weren't acting. It would be impossible to find an aquarium company full of actors!

I would love to know how much some of these tanks are. In one episode they said the materials, aka acrylic, was $10,000 - their cost. And what is the going rate to send two dudes to LA to pick out fish! :)

It's all TV magic!
Hehe...I am waiting for a quote from them on my new tank...
I am sure they will be ridiculously expensive, but we will see...

+1 love for the redhead here....let's hear it guys...Heather is a babe!
She is a cutie too!

On a serious note, I had a issue with paint overspray on a polycarbonite/acrylic aircraft canopy so I gave ATM a call since I see them polishing acrylic in almost every episode. Suprisingly, Robbie the Redneck was the one that answered the phone. I was surprised and thankful that he took the time to help me out. Kudos to the Tanked crew!
I know you will be shocked, but Robbie does not sleep in the Production Crew's trailer behind the shop.

He probably would if he could, but that's not reality.
I agree I saw a episode where they set up a sump with live rock and corals and I was veryyyyyyy dissapointed in the way they set everything up

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