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I have a Niger Trigger (small) and a Yellow Tang (medium) in a 125, FOWLR, I wanted to know if anyone has a puffer or a lion with a Niger or both, any if so what types, any replys would be appreciated.
niger is the most passive trigger you can prob. buy on the market. you can have any type of lion in the tank with those two...as long as it can't fit them in his/her mouth they will be okay.
Lion fish and triggers really shouldn't be mixed together as triggers will chase them and can kill them. Niger trigger do get large and over time, like almost all triggers, get aggressive. In a 125 Fowlr the tank would be to small in the long run for a trigger and a lion fish together.

Puffers would be just fine together with the trigger and tang.
although nigers are passive, they are definitely not the most passive you can buy. There have been many stories of how a niger ate everything or freaked out... BUT, they are relatively passive, and i think you have a 50/50 shot with a lion. A more suitable trigger would be sargassum/bluethroat/crosshatch with a lion.

A puffer with your current set up would work nicely.
You could do a yellow tang, smaller lion (radiata or antennata) bluethroat trigger and maybe an eel...
I have a med niger trigger and a small volitans lion together and so far the lion is the only fish the trigger hasnt taken a bite out of. going on 6 mo and they both get along. I have noticed that the trigger will get most of the food before the lion is done feeding, so you might need to watch and make sure it gets enough.