TBS 2nd shipment


hello guys, I recieved my 2nd shipment from TBS last tuesday the 6th of Jan. and again I'm really impressed with the rocks ! I got some extras too.Richard &Mary are the best I will post some pics. meanwhile .. I did a water test today and for the first time in almost 2 months since I introduced the first shipment nitrite decided to show up about 0.25 on my salifert test I did a small water change about 20G ammonias at 0 PH 8.2 nitrates :2
what should I do wait or keep doing daily or everyother day water changes? any advice?
Thanks in advance.
In my experience. I have found that actually doing nothing seemed to work the best. Ammonia goes down, nitrites go up, nitrites go down, nitrates go up. When I got to the ammonia: 0, nitrites: 0 and nitrate were whatever they were, I would begin the water changes. The rock is pretty tolerant so do not think that you are gonna kill it if the chemistry fluctuates. Things are going to die off and this process needs to run itself to completion. It won't take long. I just do not see a tremendous need to run through gallons of salt when things are still dying off.

Just my 2 cents.

Remember, learn from me and my thread, patience is crucial. If you feel the need to do something, write a post, it is what I should have done. I am on like day 50 and my water is finally stabalizing.

Have Fun!

yup we have personaly seen your experience too :)

yeah i agree with landlord "less is more".
that was my hardest lesson in reef keeping, if there is nothing wrong then leave it be. And in the begining it is patients, patients, patients and more patients.

I know its hard in this adiction uhhmm i mean hobby but you have to be patient. but for a thriving reef be the turtle not the hare you cannot huury mother nature that why TBS took so long getting us our packages they were teaching us a lesson about reef keeping

Patients 101
next class begins Jan 15
professors Mary and Richard
Class will be held as long as it takes to teach you patients



delta said:
yup we have personaly seen your experience too :)

yeah i agree with landlord "less is more".
that was my hardest lesson in reef keeping, if there is nothing wrong then leave it be. And in the begining it is patients, patients, patients and more patients.

I know its hard in this adiction uhhmm i mean hobby but you have to be patient. but for a thriving reef be the turtle not the hare you cannot huury mother nature that why TBS took so long getting us our packages they were teaching us a lesson about reef keeping

Patients 101
next class begins Jan 15
professors Mary and Richard
Class will be held as long as it takes to teach you patients

Take the stone from my hand, Grasshopper....

You cannot tell newbie's to keep their hands out of their tanks, they just won't do it.

Now you both realize that you don't not need to mess with your tank after the initial cycle.

I have not made a water change on my 210 in five years, I use no chemicals, all I do is add fresh water directly to the tank every Saturday, that is it!

Less is better using the Package, you will have a happy stable reef tank.

Richard TBS

:rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
Thanks again for all the input ,so I guess I'll just sit and wait ..and keep an eye open on things .. you guys went thru it already so I'm listening ..
Liverock, that's amazing that you did not do a water change in 5 years! what do you have in your tank besides LR?
Yes, I would think that you would want to export SOME of the water in the tank from time to time.

You add fresh Ocean water? How do you condition it at all? I've been thinking of doing that from time to time with my tank once I have it setup... (occasionaly filling 2, 5 gallon buckets from the ocean and bringing it home)
cgh38 said:
Thanks again for all the input ,so I guess I'll just sit and wait ..and keep an eye open on things .. you guys went thru it already so I'm listening ..
Liverock, that's amazing that you did not do a water change in 5 years! what do you have in your tank besides LR?

Have all the usual reef critters and anemones......3 purple tangs, tomato clown , moray...ect....

I have a well that I use for water, can just open the back door and run the hose to the tank.....I evaporate 6-8 gallons aweek....

Richard TBS
www.tbsaltwater.com :rollface: :rollface: :rollface: