TDS values


New member
I was hoping that if any of you have your own TDS meters you could test your tapwater and post how high your "natural" TDS reads. I'm looking into buying my own RODI unit and I am curious as to what the average TDS is here in ABQ ...

Thanks Israel ...

I'm out in Ventana Ranch. We get our water from NM Utilities (at least until ABCWA takes over ...)
tds can vary greatly from area to area in albuquerque...near the big I tds commercial values are 300+ ..The constitution/san pedro area averaged 228-260 TDS
The downtown area averages around 200....the montano coors area is at 120-180 depending on when test is done... I will test other areas in the near future to let you know but you can see the huge differences in areas...
Thanks for the info!

It's crazy to think that if we're all getting the same water, that there'd be so much variation. Of course, we're not really all getting the same water depending on the pipes it has to flow through and actual sources it's drawn from.

Thanks again.