Tearing a tank down...


New member
i have a 125g reef and with a 55 sump....

i'm moving to a new house and was wondering how hard it is to "move" a tank

what time frame do you think it would take to tear it down and set it back up...and what is my time frame to set it back up??

does anyone know what it would cost to do this? rough estimate...i'd love to pay someone to do this for me
If there is a local tank maintenance compamy check with them for a quote.
We used to do it and prices varied on each one.
My biggest concern is with the water...do I buy the water to make up what I have lost or try and save the water that's in it now? I don't want to have to transport ~150 gallons of water
Maybe check with Memfish or Kermits....I am guessing they may do such services or know someone that would........
My biggest concern is with the water...do I buy the water to make up what I have lost or try and save the water that's in it now? I don't want to have to transport ~150 gallons of water
Wont you have to go through another cycle if you let your water go??
I moved mine 3 hours away last year, its only 70 gallon. I used large rubbermaid containers to hold the water and rock. We kept as much water as possible and when I got to the new house I added about 15 gallons. So basically i did a water change! It is not fun but you can do it.
I did the same as Jabo with my 90 gallon only I replaced my sand when I set back up ...I did house my livestock safley in Memphis (thank you Richard)while I got the tank going. The whole break down and set up was done in a 18 hour time frame . I did not have a sign of a cycle once I was running again...Jabo is also right on another note..it was not fun at all .... oh and not one of my "moving buddies" knew ANYTHING about my tank except it is glass so it will break...nothing about the rubbermaid containers, the sump, the plumbing , or any of the other componets so I was on my own once the tank was inside the room and level...the first thing I did was hook up my RODI and the rest just fell togeather ...Good Luck with the move however you decide to do it ...
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looks like i am going to be getting Memfish to move my tank...i don't want to mess with it one bit....most likely i won't even be at the house when they move things in...
I moved a 135 in October. Emerald Bay Fish moved mine for me. They had a giant food grade water reservoir and lots of coolers they get their fish in. They tore my tank down packaged all my fish and then transported all my water and stuff....then they set it all back up replaced my with new, and put all the water back.....I moved it 135miles away and the whole process took from 1100am till about 6pm.
...good call tran901....there is enough to worry about in a move without the added worries of your aquarium....good luck and I am sure Memfish will do a great job...
We moved my 150g mostly SPS tank from Bartlett to Hernando and everything did fine, moving it all in buckets and Rubbermaid tubs.