Tell me about your 48" wide tank

Crusty Old Shellback

Premium Member
Hey gang, I'm looking at getting a new tank. My current tank is 30" wide. I am thinking of going to 48" wide as I have the room for it. Tank will be somewhere between 8 and 10 feet long, 24 to 30 inches tall. I have access to the front and back for cleaning, etc.

So what are your likes and dislikes of having a 48" wide tank. Issues with reach. Issues with cleaning. Issues with flow.

Give me the down and dirty so I can make an informed decession. Right now my current tank is 7 feet long and I love standing at the end looking down the 7 foot length. It's an awsome sight. So that is my thinking of going with a 48" width.

Thanks for any and all input.


Love my 48" wide tank!

It comes with unlimited aquascaping possibilities.

It is an ideal location to grow some larger fish like tangs.

It is way cool to see the natural schooling of my tangs and how they weave in and out of the reef with the 48" width.

Sometimes things are hard to reach but I can access it from either side so it just means I have to go to the other side and grab it from there sometimes.



