tell me your SPS quarantine method?


Premium Member
id like to start loading back up again, whats your method and do you think its 100% effective?

i didnt quaranteen at all when i had about 30 or so so species and i ended up getting redbugs, and monti flatworms. id like to prevent this this time around.
no qt for me just dips- will be setting up a tank as a cleaning station with some camels or peps.
I do believe that that plus the dips should be good enuff for me.

There's no 100% cure except qt for a while and inspection with subsequent dips.
u mean monti nudi's
acroeating flatworms
I put the corals in a bucket with 1-2g of water and a mini-jet pump. I do a strong dose of interceptor overnight (red bugs). The next morning I add flatworm exit. At least an hour later, I move the corals into new water containing a portion of a fluke tab (AEFW) and iodine. After 5-10 min, they get a good swish, I brush off the base, inspect with a magnifying glass, then they go in the tank.

Monti's need extra careful inspection, because nudis aren't covered by these treatments.
just a 15-20min dip with fluke tabs, no power head, good shake in the fluke tab solution, rinse with tank water and into the tank bottom (assuming nothing came out of the coral when I shake it) for a few days, then up in the display
I currently follow Roggers method with flatworm exit for 10-15mins and I shake the coral in the water, check for any pests with a flash light and manifying glass in a white container.

I recently got a hold of interceptor and plan on using it in my newer dips like Jeff does.

rogger, so you think fluke tabs just nuke them all? that sounds good to me :) (except monti nudis)

i remember you did intercepter, guessing you stopped since you found fluke?

and jeff, how strong of a dose for each med? for peace of mind as well, ill probably just go the extra length with the same method as yours. im going on 7 rose bubble tips since i got 1 from you btw :)
6-12 hours in 1 gallon or so of bag water, with a drip going from the tank, to fill it up another 1.5 gallons or so, once the drip is completed, I add a powerhead, heater, half a fluke tab, and half a large dog interceptor tab. I leave those running for 6-24 hours. I'm terrible at inspection, and still don't know what to look for besides OBVIOUS problems.

Next time I get new corals I'm going to do iodine for the last 15 minutes as well. While interceptor and fluke tabs won't mess the corals up over a long period of time, any iodine based solution will kill the coral if you leave it for around 30 miniutes or so, I believe. Either way, you shouldn't do an iodine dip for more than 15-20 minutes. And never freshwater dip, as it more or less instantly kills SPS.
inter whatever peice I have large or small( 5 gallon bucket)
fluke tab x1 - both for 45-1 hr( most of the time I forget the coral and it spends hrs in the dip.)
Used to use TMPCC but seems way to harsh on critters. I've killed a couple with the dip even for 15 mins.

I'm using revive now after the two other dips for 15 mins- then new water inspect and into the tank.

After all is set and done the last thing is a little prayer LOL

I recently removed 1.5 year old montis of all kind due to nudis.
After 4 months w/o them I'm gonna give them a try again.

I'm considering filling up a nano with peps and droping the critter there for 12-24 hrs prior to placing them in the display- I truly believe that the cleaning station after dipping is the way to go.

hey manny, forgot to ask, whats peps and camels? shrimps? there known to eat alot of the little pests on our corals? good to know :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11891888#post11891888 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bawla47
hey manny, forgot to ask, whats peps and camels? shrimps? there known to eat alot of the little pests on our corals? good to know :)
peppermint shrimps- safe for 12-24 hrs
camels only for 10-15 mins or so.

And yes they do clean the critter u gotta starve them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11891348#post11891348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bawla47
rogger, so you think fluke tabs just nuke them all? that sounds good to me :) (except monti nudis)

i remember you did intercepter, guessing you stopped since you found fluke?

and jeff, how strong of a dose for each med? for peace of mind as well, ill probably just go the extra length with the same method as yours. im going on 7 rose bubble tips since i got 1 from you btw :)
I 've spend hours observing the effects of fluke tabs on the critters and the corals, fluke tabs will not kill anything, but, any AEFW and red bugs are severely stunt and usually will detached from the coral and fall to the bottom of the dipping container, the higher the concentration of fluke tabs the faster this happens, finally with a good shake inside the dipping container all remaining critters will fall off.
I avoid using power heads because they will blend & destroy the AEFW to a small toxic slurry which may be harmful to corals (not sure) the other reason I don't use them is because I like to inspect the dipping containers sediments to see if there was in fact any critters present, if so I will take further precautions (TLC) with that coral.
I usually just put the corals in a small white container/cooler on a slow drip. Then I add 1 fluke tab and 1/2 a pill of interceptor to the water. I let them drip for about an hour or so, sometimes it is longer as I forget they are dripping. Then I shake them off and do a quick rinse with some clean water. Sometimes I run a small powerhead in the container if I remember. This has worked well for me so far.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11891348#post11891348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bawla47
jeff, how strong of a dose for each med? for peace of mind as well, ill probably just go the extra length with the same method as yours. im going on 7 rose bubble tips since i got 1 from you btw :)

Glad to hear the RBTA is doing well!

I pretty much follow the instructions on the bottle for everything but the interceptor. I do half of a "small dog" pill in my bucket. That amount should treat 19 gallons at typical in-tank dosing levels, so I'm at least 10x strength.
OK now you guys have got me curious. This fluke tab method seems safe and very easy to perform as an added reassurance against pests (AEFW). The only thing I’m wondering about is? I have a mixed reef with Sps, Zoos, Yumas, Clam and so on. Once you dip your Sps in the fluke solution I’m assuming you rinse them off with tank water, but what happens if some of this substance enters the tank for whatever reason? Would this kill my Zoos, Yumas and Cloves? I’ve always been nervous of using certain solutions on tiny Sps frags (stress), that I normally receive, but this Fluke tab method is sounding very encouraging.
i just killed off a bunch of gsp with a fluke tabbed sps. also, my clove polyps aren't looking too hot. hopefully they come back because they're gorgeous. All my zoas and palys are perfectly fine though. i believe it'll only kill gsp, xenia...and i'm assuming anthelia since it's so close to xenia. but some people want those dead! lol
Thanks Mac. I don’t like the sound of possibly hurting the softies you mentioned, I’ve been lucky up to this point with my Sps, but I’m getting ready to begin stocking again and think I better get with the times. It seems like everyone is posting about unwanted pests lately.
the thing is if you rinse the dipped sps off enough there should be no fluketab residue that gets into your tank...the problem is that if it'll kill the xenia and gsp. aka...rinse, rinse, rinse, and when you think you're good...rinse again!
I don't really wrinse the frags off, even though I should. I've got some nice Yumas and a bunch of zoanthids that have not suffered at all from fluke tabs getting in the water. Nor from interceptor treatment in the whole tank.

Clove polyps are the only thing I would worry about, as they're in a close family to xenia if I remember correctly.