Temperature question


New member
Just bought a used 225 gallon.
I have it in storage in a garage (attached to a house-so I assume there is insulation in the garage walls except for the garage door) until I find a house of my own to make it live :)

My question is...will it be safe to fill it with water in the garage to test the seals? My worry is with winter upon us (even though it is 70 degrees here in NC) the temperature in the garage mixed with the water might crack the glass?
Not only filling it with water, but is it safe to keep it in the garage when the temperature does start to get cold? Right now it is empty but I am still worried about cracking?
Thanks for any input!
I've got a bunch of pond filters, and a quarantine tank in my garage. It gets below 0 here, nothing ever freezes. Its not sealed well either, i have snow blow in through door gaps and I have a big 6" vent hole cut in the siding for fresh air to enter so the koi pond heater gets 02.
I don't think you'd have any problems unless you put the glass under some fairly extreme temp changes. ie. if it's -10 and you dump boiling water into it.

Even if water were in the tank and it froze solid, it should expand upwards, not outwards. Unlike pipes, which are closed and if frozen expand and crack.