Alright, after an intensive local and world wide web search, I have have decided to take the TSB plunge and have purchased the 120 "package". As of this writing, I am patiently waiting for the holiday traffic to clear up before the initial package can be safely and quickly sent. So, in my free time, I happened to download and view the short movie on the TSB website about their aquaculture efforts and was surprised at what Richard stated the store's display tank temperature was kept at.....68. I currently have my tank running at 78.....should I lower it or keep it as is? Also, prior to my dicision and roughly two weeks ago, I placed about 2 inches of Southdown on the bottom of my 120. Will this be a problem? I understand the site recommends an empy tank for initial setup, but will mixing the live with the SD be detrimental to the tanks bio? My new hope is to mix the 120lbs of live sand with the SD and establish a 4-5" DSB. My tank is full of water at the moment and the thought of having to remove all that sand........Ugh! But really, I will if it's going to be counter productive to the setup, chemistry, bio., etc.....Thanks