tempered glass test!

BTW if you have a pair of polorized sunglasses, it does the same thing. Ever drive with polorlized shades and notice that peoples windshields look dark at certain angles?
that is a good tip, but it wont be 'that clear' or detectable... you will have to try from different angles, with light in different positions, and or trying to go outside and trying...

there were a couple other tips for detecting, but i cant remember right now...something to do with looking down the edge, but again, not sure what to look for exactly.

also, something about scratching the surface... tempered glass wont scratch and regular glass will, or visa versa...

sorry about not remembering, but wanted to put out what i can remember and hopefully it will remind someone else...
tempered glass will look blotchy when looking through a polarized lens. The reason why this works with an LCD from a the laptop is because they all have a polarized filter over the LCD. And the 3d glasses from the theater are just polarized filters oriented 90 deg from each other. when going that route you are basically looking at a double polarized image.

As mentioned above a diffuse light with a set of polarized sun glasses or a polarizing filter for a camera lens will do the same thing which is allow you to see the blotchy pattern if it's tempered and see nothing if its not..