Tenius placement


New member
Hey guys just go a quick question about this wild tenius i got. Hoping one of you acro gurus can give some imput. I have had it for about 5 months now, but it refuses to color up. I have it in a corner with grear flow and about 200 maybe 250 par. Should i move it up, Leave it, lower it. What do yall think???. PE is insane and its growing great just no color. It had a yellow rim arround the coralites when i got it.
Can't say anything about this particular one, but every tenius I have I blast with light, 500 plus.

How do your others look, good color?
I personally only do aquacultured, so keep in mind a wild stick could need time to settle in a color back up. Could take a long time.
Mine have all died but the one that did the best, before dying in spectacular tenuis fashion, was way up under 450 - 475 PAR and getting blasted by flow. By far the brightest coral in the tank. Hopefully I can try one again sometime.
Mine have all died but the one that did the best, before dying in spectacular tenuis fashion, was way up under 450 - 475 PAR and getting blasted by flow. By far the brightest coral in the tank. Hopefully I can try one again sometime.

Lmao funny you say that Mark, because thats the way my tank is with Millis. I cant keep one alive if my life depended on it. Gonna move it tomorrow and just blast it. Kinda sucks, since i love the place is in. Plus i have no clue were to put it.
Mine love high light and high flow. Tried moving a blue one lower and it lost color, so back up top it went where it colored back up.
I place my tiny tenuis frag up high and it likes getting blasted with light. Color has been improving and tip die back has stopped.......................Jim
Thanks guys. Seems that move it up seems to be the majority of the votes, So up it goes. I will do a timeline shots of it and share it to see if its progress. Thanks