Tentacles near zoanthid


New member
3 month old tank 29g bio cube and my zoanthid seems to have tentacles right below it. Or are they some type of worm. They don't seem to be problem but curious. Pic attached (maybe something growing separate from rock?)

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Doesn't look like aptasia to me. Not the best pic, but it looks like individual "tentacles" growing out of the rock. If you look to the left there is a single one. Possible some kind of sponge? Are they sweeping or are they stationary?
Yep.. Aiptasia..
Then get on all that algae.. (get those nitrates/phosphates down)

and a present..
Most of the "common" hitchhikers in our tanks.. Bookmark for future reference..

ALL reefers should know what an aiptasia is.. And bristle worms and brittle stars and asternia stars and copepods/amphipods..
Thanks mcgyver! I'm trying to get them down with nopro x and weekly water changes
Just started it a week ago...I'm guessing I was over feeding
As u can tell I'm new :)

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