Tesselata Eel

Matt Mormile

New member
I just got a beautiful Tesselata Eel on Friday. I fed it today for the first time and it eat 2 whole silversides. How often and how many silvers should I feed it. Its about 3 ft long.
I would stop feeding silversides, I'm sure someone else will post the whys.
When I was keeping eels, I would get their food from the grocery store meat counter. Shrimp, scallops etc.......
Fit for human consumption so I would assume it's ok for fish.

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I had success feeding 3 times a week. I could tell when they were hungry because they would start leaving their caves and hunting all over the tank. After they were fed they would stay in their caves and just watch the other fish for a few days. I agree with fijsrfr on types of foods. I was also taught that if feeding silversides, stuff a few quality food pellets down their throats before feeding to the eels. You can also pre-soak the pellets in vitamins if your like me and don't have a life;) Good luck
Wow, that's a good size eel. I'd also recommend raw seafood (shrimp, etc.) other than silversides. Care to post pics?
feed whole fish not silversides all the time.
they also love squit and octopus. feed them when they are hungry at this size if they eat well i believen twice a week should be fine.
awesome eel i have a green moray but use to own a tesselate


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another pic

another pic

here is another pic
he is alamost 4 feet long


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