Test kit


New member
So I've been out of the game for awhile. Whats the best most user friendly test kit out there. I used to use the api drop style water test kits however it was tricky matching colors as it varied based on how you held the test tube.
I cannot get my Salifert calcium test kit to give a reading, no matter what I do. The Salifert magnesium kit works well, but the calcium does not work at all. I had to go back to API. Lots of people denigrate API as "inaccurate", but I'm going to stick with them. I find them extremely easy to use.
So I've been out of the game for awhile. Whats the best most user friendly test kit out there. I used to use the api drop style water test kits however it was tricky matching colors as it varied based on how you held the test tube.

Except for calcium, lots of steps, need real distilled water (not RODI) for sample
Use Sailifert in this case.
The best kits in my opinion:

Red Sea Pro Kit a must have.. I always check my results with Hanna if I have issue.
Salifert Nitrate a must have as well
Hanna checkers Phosphate(low Range) a must have
other Hanna checkers option Alk probably a must have Calcium one option

Calcium Red Sea
Alk Red Sea or Hanna
Magnesium Red Sea
Nitrate Salifert
Phosphate hanna or salifert

To me Hanna calcium to many steps

Other parameters
Nitrite;Ammonia API
Your probably going to get just as many answer if you asked what salt is the best. lol

What I use:
Hanna - Alk , and low range phosphorus
Salifert - Calcium, and Magnesium
Red Sea Pro -Nitrate