Gig 'em
New member
I thought I would share some of the photos I've taken of some incredibly beautiful anemones with fellow anemone nerds. The magnifica anemones were found roughly 60 feet under water, water was pretty clear, but there is a lot of suspended particles in the Gulf of Thailand, flow was about average.
This magnifica took my breath away, it was split color, half green with blue tips and half blue-ish with blue tips and a purple foot. I've never seen an anemone like this and I wish I could find something like it in the trade!
The gigantea anemones are found near shore in about 3-6 feet of water and almost always anchored to the sides of rocks. It's pretty crazy how murky and dirty the water is where these anemones live. I assume those who keep these anemones would agree that they like dirtier water?
Found a small pizza anemone with a pair of anemone shrimp.

This magnifica took my breath away, it was split color, half green with blue tips and half blue-ish with blue tips and a purple foot. I've never seen an anemone like this and I wish I could find something like it in the trade!

The gigantea anemones are found near shore in about 3-6 feet of water and almost always anchored to the sides of rocks. It's pretty crazy how murky and dirty the water is where these anemones live. I assume those who keep these anemones would agree that they like dirtier water?

Found a small pizza anemone with a pair of anemone shrimp.