Thank you Drysdale


New member
Thank you Doug and John for getting me this beautiful tang. Pictures do not do it justice. A few more weeks in qt and he should be ready for DT.

Rob since I moved here I have seen 2 and they were in bad shape. I did luck out on this one. this one is top 3 tangs for me. 2nd is Naso, and 1st is Achilles.
Blue tang

Blue tang

This is how they look fully grown

Yeah BigZ we see a mess of these when we snorkel the islands. We follow schools around and have some video as well somewhere. Very cool fish. There are a few other same genus tangs they seem to school with.
More and more I feel like going to fish only in super large tAnk. But sps has such a hold of me :). Next up Is more anthias.
Thank YOU Z. We appreciate your patronage. The Atlantic blue tang has been a favorite of mine since first seeing them in the Keys as a kid.

I don't know exactly what the judge's ruling is on this, but I neither want to tread on the UA, nor seem rude for ignoring this, so I'm going with common courtesy.
We understand. Just a heads up. He eats everything!!!!! I will take pictures but he looks far better with lighting that has some blue and not the crappy light (t8) in QT. I cant wait to add him. When I upgrade DT I might sell adult and ask you to get me a few more. Thanks again