Thank you Pedromatic

Rogger Castells

New member
As some of you may know, Pedro is our current webmaster for our clubs website, this is a job that he volunteers to all of us and he has done a fantastic job at bringing the website up to date, he also has some pretty good ideas moving forward.
I really wanted to thank him for all his work.

Thank you

Thank you

Thanks for the kind word, guys.
Since before joining the club, I was dismayed at the state of the web site. I remember trying to find out when the next meeting was, and it was LAST YEAR. So from the beginning I expressed an interest in managing it and making it easier to update.

Although the site looks pretty much the same as it did before with a few cosmetic changes, under the "hood" it has been completely reworked. It's now considerably easier to make changes, add pages and slideshows. Regardless, it still doesn't get updated until I have the info needed to make the update. As with any volunteer organization, people have to find the time to make things happen. So there will be times when it will fall behind, but I'll do my best to keep it current.

I would like to thank all the other members of the FMAS Board of Directors who keep this thing going, and to all the members who have opened their homes and heads to the rest of us, sharing their good (and bad) experiences. Best wishes for a great new year.
Re: Thank you

Re: Thank you

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11520168#post11520168 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
Thanks for the kind word, guys.
Since before joining the club, I was dismayed at the state of the web site. I remember trying to find out when the next meeting was, and it was LAST YEAR. So from the beginning I expressed an interest in managing it and making it easier to update.

Although the site looks pretty much the same as it did before with a few cosmetic changes, under the "hood" it has been completely reworked. It's now considerably easier to make changes, add pages and slideshows. Regardless, it still doesn't get updated until I have the info needed to make the update. As with any volunteer organization, people have to find the time to make things happen. So there will be times when it will fall behind, but I'll do my best to keep it current.

I would like to thank all the other members of the FMAS Board of Directors who keep this thing going, and to all the members who have opened their homes and heads to the rest of us, sharing their good (and bad) experiences. Best wishes for a great new

This is one of the reasons why I didn't continue my membership four years ago. It was never easier to get info. Even after becoming a member I would never get emails about anything going on.

Hopefully the club has gotten better since then. I only went once and pretty much went around introducing myself to everyone, but only a couple of people were very friendly. Hopefully this has improved as well. It was really a turn off to say the least.

At one point there were some people on this side of town considering forming their own club and I thought it was a great idea since there's a quite a bit of reefers including myself that found the meeting place way to far to go on Tuesday evenings. I live by South Kendall (near metro zoo) and to me it was about an hour or more drive on Tuesdays.

Don't ever know what happened to that idea.

Nice job, Pedro! With a club with this much enthusiasm it's nice to have a website that's finally up to date.

When I view the information regarding the map for the school of the meeting place, it gives two different addresses for New River Middle School, one being in Dania. It does, however, show the correct map of the correct school. This might be confusing to members in Dade County, so if there is anyway to correct this, that would be a good thing.

Keep up the good work, Pedro, and many thanks for the time you're putting into this effort.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11523189#post11523189 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
ooooooooo Thank you Pedro for giving us Reef Central, mocha's Gracias :D

Thanks, Steve, but uh... no. I have nothing to do with Reef Central. Well, except for the occasional rant, case in point. But it is a great resource, as we all know.

djfrankie, it's not easy keeping a club like this running. As a member of the Board of Directors I know how difficult it is to organize events and keep people involved and interested. As far as people at the meetings go, try just walking up and introducing yourself. We're all here to learn from each other and help others from our experiences, so don't be a wallflower. Some folks may be shy or involved in a conversation, just butt in, you have my approval :D

Barb, thanks for the heads up on the link. I will fix it. 'Not sure where that other entry came from, but I will specify the zip code in the search to filter out other hits.
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Re: Re: Thank you

Re: Re: Thank you

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11522968#post11522968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie

Hopefully the club has gotten better since then. I only went once and pretty much went around introducing myself to everyone, but only a couple of people were very friendly. Hopefully this has improved as well. It was really a turn off to say the least.


Djfrankie, Sorry you had a bad experience and even sorrier that you drop going to the meetings after only one visit, I am sure you would have change your mind if you had continued to come.
The club cannot and will not get better on it's own, it is up to the active members to make the club what they want it to be.
I invite you to try again to come to the club meetings, I am pretty sure that you will enjoy them as much as we will enjoy you.
As far the distance is concern and the Miami members, it is true that perhaps it is not as close as you wish, but think about this, it is only once a month!
We have many Members that continue to come from South Miami and from Palm Beach and even one member that from time to time makes the trip from Fort Myers.
I have seen several attempts to get car pools from South Miami, but, unless there is commitment & consistency that will not work
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11523522#post11523522 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
djfrankie, it's not easy keeping a club like this running. As a member of the Board of Directors I know how difficult it is to organize events and keep people involved and interested.

Pedro I have plenty of experience organizing events and the such. Being a dj for over 20 years now (I'm 38) I've had the experience of organizing many thousands of events throughout the years. It's never easy, but always accomplished in a very professional manner. Furthermore, I'm in the Board of Directors for a 445 apartment complex where we also meet on a monthly basis to discuss expenditures, budgeting and many other facets of a project of such magnitude. So in essence, I know what you're talking about. Also, if you knew me at all you would stop short of calling me a "wallflower".

Re: Re: Re: Thank you

Re: Re: Re: Thank you

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11523715#post11523715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Djfrankie, Sorry you had a bad experience and even sorrier that you drop going to the meetings after only one visit, I am sure you would have change your mind if you had continued to come.
The club cannot and will not get better on it's own, it is up to the active members to make the club what they want it to be.
I invite you to try again to come to the club meetings, I am pretty sure that you will enjoy them as much as we will enjoy you.
As far the distance is concern and the Miami members, it is true that perhaps it is not as close as you wish, but think about this, it is only once a month!
We have many Members that continue to come from South Miami and from Palm Beach and even one member that from time to time makes the trip from Fort Myers.
I have seen several attempts to get car pools from South Miami, but, unless there is commitment & consistency that will not work

Thanks for the kind welcome. I have met many RC members here that are also FMAS members and they have always proven to be a pleasant resource , including yourself.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11525035#post11525035 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
Pedro I have plenty of experience organizing events and the such. Being a dj for over 20 years now (I'm 38) I've had the experience of organizing many thousands of events throughout the years. It's never easy, but always accomplished in a very professional manner. Furthermore, I'm in the Board of Directors for a 445 apartment complex where we also meet on a monthly basis to discuss expenditures, budgeting and many other facets of a project of such magnitude. So in essence, I know what you're talking about. Also, if you knew me at all you would stop short of calling me a "wallflower".


Awesome! The club can always use a motivated, involved member like you. Hope to meet you soon.