

florida guru
I would just like to say thank you to all who have help me get rid of a lot of items that i have no use for--- i also would like to thank those who have encouraged me to stay with this beautiful hobby( my tank is still up for sale---but i will then use those funds to upgrade)people like turtleman, bshumake, marty, jim and jonathan---on thursday(11-05-09) i will be having surgery on my wrist and i will be recuperating for at least two to three weeks, but will be back to full hobby form after that, but i still have a few more things to get rid of( this extra money will allow me to get a lazyboy in my office(for those that have been to my house) in order to view my tank and watch tv while recuperating--- i truly enjoy the conversations and geniune friendships of all the members and non-members that i have come in contact with and i hope to continue that
Good luck with everything Preston!

And I might even say, "Go Dolphins", but after 1985, they can just go _____ themselves for ruining a perect season.
Dont leave I need all the help I can get! :rolleyes:
By the time you get back most of the other members will be sick of my questions and panic posts,lol.
jonathan, you got my number, i'll be around, but i could use a good gourmet paella dish when i get home from surgery( with plenty of seafood in it)
Preston, got your text lastnight. The only mag pumps I got are two 9.5's. Give me a shout this afternoon. You can get one of them. Peace...
Good Luck Preston, If I do not see you before your surgery, Sorry I have not hooked up with you yet, but I have been sticking kinda close to home the last couple of weeks.
