That will teach me!

Below Sea Level

Premium Member
After being intrigued by both Vicky and Cody's Mantis shrimps I thought I would like to get one at some point.
Well the opportunity came and I was able to get one so I bought and setup a nice little 6 gallon acrylic bow and was awaiting his arrival this morning.
He came...A peacock Mantis - all 5-6 inches of him. :eek1:

Now THAT will teach me not to be specific.

So it is bigger tank shopping time..haha

Pics coming soon

Got one pic of him so far. Been trying to get him full bodied since there is so much color to him. He is 6in long and eats very well. His first meal was a 2" decorator crab within 24 hours of his arrival.<br>


After some research and learning that a 30g would be best I felt a 20 long would do the same since they spend all their time on the bottom. Besides I happen to have one already.<br>
I re-enforced the bottom with a fairly thick acrylic and ran a 3-4" high acrylic strip all along the front, sides and a 6" strip in back.
That is a good looking mantis, Is he still digging around all of your live rock. trying to make a home , or is it still useing the pvc pipe.
He has dug around the pipe and made the area larger but essentially the 1 1/2" pipe is still home. he has eaten like 4 crabs and large hermits that I am aware of...the pig.
My mantis just got through his molt, the other smasher is now back in operation. He has been pounding the hermit crabs. Before when he had only one smasher, he would'nt mess with them.