the 1700g stingray reef

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1. Who is it? Whoever it is...he has done a very fine job and obviously knows his products and a thing or two about reef design. Not just some rich guy who plopped down some coin for someone else to throw together. The design is very smart, and prolly uses less electricity & time to maintain than we think due to its smart use of lumenarcs, streams, PVC supports, sump room, etc.

2. For detrious, I would highly suggest investing in some sand sifter gobies. A half dozen of the diamond sand-sifters, or better yet, the yellow-headed sand sifters (they school and clean sand in packs if you have the space and numbers) would keep his sand perfectly clean and require very little effort...which on a tank this size is key.
Herbert T. Kornfeld said:
2. For detrious, I would highly suggest investing in some sand sifter gobies. A half dozen of the diamond sand-sifters, or better yet, the yellow-headed sand sifters (they school and clean sand in packs if you have the space and numbers) would keep his sand perfectly clean and require very little effort...which on a tank this size is key.

I'm assuming you meant detritus?
Sand sifters might be a risky and short term solution with a ray in the same tank.:eek1:
Amazing. I don't think a large private aquarium with massive funding could do better.

Gives me some great ideas too. I'd love that PVC rack idea, and I'd really like to know more about how it was done. I'd like to incorporate something like that (on a MUCH smaller scale) into my new 75.

BTW: Am I the only one that thinks that guy looks a lot like Anthony Calfo? I know it's not, but they look a lot alike.
trmiv said:
I'd love that PVC rack idea, and I'd really like to know more about how it was done.

Travis said:
The owner explained to me how he made them.
1) The pvc racks were constructed.
2) Styrofoam in a can was sprayed onto the racks. I didn't ask what "styrofoam in a can" was but I think it was that stuff you use for sealing windows and doors.
3) Fiberglass was placed on top of the foam. I asked what the purpose of this was and he said it helps the stuff in step 4 stick.
4)Rubble from sand was literally thrown at the foam to cover it.

not sure if you saw that post or not but figured I would repeat it just in case.
his electricity bill probably comes in a box with that many halides.

No... they stopped doing that ... Now when someones electric bill is as high as his.. they just send an email.. thats they only way to fit that many numbers on one sheet of paper... to do it electronically!

I dont know what to say about this reef....

This is the ONE reef tank that I dont know WHAT to say...

Im... speechless... I just cant begin to describe whats running through my head...

gah... no, that doesnt discribe it..

its more like a mute loudness.... yeah... a mute loudness!!!
Regardless of the (half empty glass) post's, what a great tank, and great family!
I know I can't afford it, but that doe's not stop me from appreciating it.
Not enough room for the ray? Well the last time I checked I was not a Ray, and can not address it's personal requirements, especially from hundreds of miles away, and by going from only numbers and picture's. :D
As, for not posting personally, I think the way the tone of this thread went due to some posters, I can't blame him.
God help me if I posted pictures of my new 200 gallon tank, as I"m sure I would be chastised for my lack of common sense, and animal husbandry. But it seems to work for me, and more importantly, my family.
Who ever you are, keep it your way, and keep yourself and your family happy.
As far as I'm concerned, you should probably not post, it's not worth the hassle.
But please keep it up, and keep it your way!

1700 gallon reef tank before livestock.....

1700 gallon reef tank before livestock.....


For those interested in the basic structure of the reef here is a pic of the tank with some of the first live rock, but before any corals or other livestock were added. It shows the basic aquascaping layout. Note that the whitish PVC racks are now much larger islands in the tank after the growth on them.

Not a great picture with the window reflection, but if you look to the left and right you can see some of the PVC/foam racks before anything was placed on or started growing on them. Look closely at the one to the far right and you will see a tunze that was placed on top and I assume is now surrounded by growth and not noticeable on the reef.

For those interested in the timeline, I took this picture the first week of June (yes 05), which shows you the very fast growth of this reef, now at an age of only 5 months.

Chris Boelke
Midwest Custom Aquarium
By the looks of those PVC racks, he used a lot of PVC tee's. I wonder if he did this so the fish could swim inside the racks and use them for hiding and sleeping. Wish I would have noticed that when I was there, I could have asked him about it.
Travis said:
By the looks of those PVC racks, he used a lot of PVC tee's. I wonder if he did this so the fish could swim inside the racks and use them for hiding and sleeping. Wish I would have noticed that when I was there, I could have asked him about it.

I was thinking maybe to give the racks more support..

I just got done messing with my website and it seems to have changed the URL's to the pics I posted last night. Since RC does not let you edit posts after 1 hour, I will post them again for those who have not yet seen them.

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