the 1700g stingray reef

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Hey mate,
Congrats on the boy, I too just had one (well my wife did) my first though (see avatar).
Great work with the tank. Looking forward to more info.:)
Curious to know if in hindsight you wished had made the tank a bit taller? Just thinking that with the 5' depth, have you found 33" limitin?.
Energy I've been following this thread from the beginning and i must say you have truly one of the most beautiful tanks in the world! I'm looking forward to all the information you will be providing.
And congrats on the new addition. children are the best thing in the world.

Just finished the thread.....figured I'd get the hour back from daylight savings. :)

Energy-Congrats on little guy!! I have yet to have my own, but I love my nieces and nephews to pieces....have a great time with him!!
-Also just wanted to say that you've done a fantastic job with your aquarium! All the time and thought has definitely paid off (at least it looks as it has).

LOL thought i better welcome you to YOUR thread. Energy i'm glad to see you made it but i am quite shocked that you made it here so quickly

congrats on the little man i'm sure he will be a great addition to your wonderful family! please give your wife my best and i hope she is feeling ok. hope to see your new "little frag" sometime when i come visit again :lol:

i'm glad people can get the infor straight from the horses mouth now and Travis, Spazz, and I don't have to punt on a lot of it :D

i believe someone asked for a pic of the blue spot ray...i have one i'll upload it and post it later

Energy, thanks buddy!
Thanks for the details on the specs as well. One quick question if you don't mind, do you do water changes often? I was just curious if tanks like yours can somewhat stablize with the amount of water volume in there.
best pic i got of the ray

Wow energy just an amazing tank i am glad all is well, and that you made it to your thread. I have been enjoying this very much and now I get to learn much more.
Way to go Stan! Congrats on the wee lad. Pretty crazy the tank is so young. The corals have grown out so much that it looks like it should be much older than it really is.

I suppose a 2500g has the wheels a grinding in your head now, eh?!
Congrats! Thanks for coming on and telling us about your tank! Here's wishing you lots of sleep with the new baby.

First off, congrats on the new baby boy! Nice to have a male frag in the house now eh? I first heard about your tank back in July when I bought Greg's old tank. I was amazed when I heard about the sheer size and could only imagine what it looked like. Once again you surpasses anyone's expectations. I knew you were up to something big when I heard you bought Bill's tank to used as a fuge, but I had no idea! Best of luck to you and your family. I can't wait till you host another TCMAS meeting :)
congratulations on the birth of your son!
you'll have to spoil him by walking him to sleep in front of your tank. How big is your alligator gar? Any pics?
Again congrats on your new addition.. they grow up quick so enjoy.
Massman- the tank height is O.K I think maybe another 3" would look better but be to hard to deal with. I actually would go with a much larger tank if I could. The extra room would be left open for swimming space. I would gladly double the size of the tank and leave all the extra room for swimming space. It's the open areas that add to the natural appeal of the tank. Furthermore without corals in the open areas intense lighting wouldn't be neccesary just ambient lighting. With open tank designs and coral bommies or islands the light configuration can be cut back and limited to the coral areas.
definately the best setup I have seen! very nice, and very natural looking! congradulation on the new baby! good luck and thank you for sharing this with us!

Energy............Was just wondering about your comment about the foam breaking down under UV? I am planning on using to cover the back of my "small in comparison" 225 in the comming months. I had not heard about it breaking down, could you shed some light on your source? Thanks in advance Rick....
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