the 1700g stingray reef

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6426203#post6426203 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmondo
Damn, and i thought i was getting ripped off with prices in jersey.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You still are:lol: :lol:
Energy, like I stated before you have an amazingly beautiful tank that I would probably kill for. I'm currently getting into a 125 gallon tank and was wondering if you could recommend any hardy but beautiful looking rays that I could add with my current livestock. Any information is greatly appreciated.
Because the analyst has seen them in smaller tanks in the Local Fish store and has no clue and decided to ask the question to find out the answer. That is what questions are for last time I checked! :-)
LOL...hey no insult intended. IMHO it would be foolish to do so, but maybe there is some kind of dwarf that would be OK? My Mom was an Amex anylist for Global MIS security, which roughly translates into "spy". Drove her batty. Or maybe she already was?

LFS rarely supply tanks large enough for anything, let alone rays. Rays are difficult to keep animals, best left in the wild or put in VERY large tanks...say 1700 gallons or so? But they typically need a lot of open sandbed. I doubt your 125 would fit any Ray, especially with your current bioload.


I would treat for the red bugs if I were you. I was really worried about it wiping out my pod population. In each of my two tanks I have a pair of mandarins. The treatment went perfectly and did not wipe out as many pods as I thought it would. It definitely killed the red bugs, but everything else in the tank seemed fine - except for a few shrimp I couldn't get out.

After doing the treatment the first time and seeing the results - and lack of devastation - it is much easier to treat the second time. I am now red bug free and the corals really are better off now - more growth, coloration, etc. Now all I have to do is beat those darn acro eating flat worms! I'm planning a dip of everything this weekend.

Great tank! I have two built ins with rooms behind them, but they are not close to your size (225 and 400).

Good luck,
Energy, you see you have become God-like here of course! I have browsed the pics before but now read the whole thread (my 210gal was sold this week so I'm having withdrawals).

-Do you dive at all, get any of your inspiration that way? If you do, what are some of your favorite places?

-Are you able to reach all areas of the tank from above, or do you actually have to get in it to do work?

-Did you start out with softies and work your way up to SPS? Did it take long before you started having such great success with them?

Also, you made a statement earlier that working on the tank is therapeutic; lordy, my family and friends had no clue what that meant when I would say it, if they're not into the hobby.

Very very stunning!
Just to stick up for Jasonanatal I was looking on line and most on line fish stores say 125 or 150 gal for a blue dot ray so I could see why some would try to keep one in a smaller tank.
Wow, that seems way out-of-line to me, but I guess I am a bit conservative in my tank stocking methods. My tank at 8' x 5' was originally a shark tank, but I could never imagine holding a shark in a tank that size. Many reef fish live essentially in the same area and do not migrate. They are territorial in nature and less likely to have problems adjusting to captive life. Sharks and rays are a whole different matter IMO.

If I had a 1700g tank I would consider a ray, but still would not house a shark. I laugh when my friends suggest I put tuna in my tank so I can fish, but that really is absurd.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6440441#post6440441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Earl87gta
Just to stick up for Jasonanatal I was looking on line and most on line fish stores say 125 or 150 gal for a blue dot ray so I could see why some would try to keep one in a smaller tank.
Maybe if there was nothing else in the tank except a few rocks and plenty of sand but even then I don't think I would feel right morally keeping a ray in a tank that small. I would not even begin to consider a ray till I got above 1500gal
I was suprized to but I guess if they said 1000+ gal they would never sell any. I have always thought it would be cool to have a lagoon in the basment a bout 24 in deep 4ft wide all around the basement to keep a ray in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6440441#post6440441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Earl87gta
Just to stick up for Jasonanatal I was looking on line and most on line fish stores say 125 or 150 gal for a blue dot ray so I could see why some would try to keep one in a smaller tank.

They are just looking for more sales. Not the practicality of actually keeping one of them alive for very long.
Thank you guys for the information. The local fish store will tell you anything to make a sale. But at least I can ask the people who keep the hobby near and dear to their hearts.
Jasonatal- There is a good book about sharks and rays by Paletta. The book will tell you the minimum size aquarium recomended for any given species. I would take the minumum tank size recomendation and triple it . Also when you aquascape leave as much room as possible on the bottom. Rays really do need a lot of room.

Avansickle I love diving and have been to Cozumel three times. I plan on doing more diving trips when the kids get older. I started saltwater aquariums with LPS and a few softies. I got hooked on sps. I love their ability to morph colors and their somewhat unpredictable growth pattern. I consider this reef a mixed tank. I personally don't care if it is a LPS, SPS or softie. If it looks cool and doesn't have a biological conflict(chemical warfare) it has potential. I can reach all the places of the tank due to the sturdy center braces which I can lay across. Without those braces managing the tank would be very difficult.
I am in the process of getting quotes for a 2000+ tank I would very much like to know who built the one you took photos of so I can see what they would charge?
Can you PM me back if you have that info and are willing to give it out.


The maker of the tank has been listed in this giant thread, along with their contact information. If I knew it, I'd tell you. And for me to find out, I'd have to look at page after page of posts. So I'll let you do that. ;)
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