the 1700g stingray reef

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simonmr yup there it is! Thanks for finding that. I consider this particular worm incident to be especially important. I would totally freak if I had to rip apart my tank for a worm.

I had my own interesting worm incident when my rock holding tub temp. went up very high. Thousands of worms died. They were floating all over the surface and it was unbelievable. But that is how I found the hairy crab too. He came up to the surface to cool off. I cannot even describe how many worms were in this rock. I just wonder how many are left!
Wow! Simply the most amazing tank i've ever seen! Very well thought out, from lighting to foundation! This me sad when i go home and look at my 12g nano cube :) On a side note: I didnt know there was an Ocean in MN!
Thanks for the reply energy. That was a huge part of what I needed to know about the structure. I was not sure if the eggcrate could support that type of rock weight. what was the average size of the shelves ie unsupported dimensions? Any particular reason for only dry fitting? I guess it would take a lot of force to come apart so probably no need to glue. Thanks again for the reply
Dry fit so it could be modified easily at a later date. Common sense was used for the shelf size. I just added supports where I thought the weight would be to much as I built the structure. Hence the dry fit for easy modification.
Energy- first off really great tank! one qucik question for you.

How much time do you think it takes you every day to maintain a tank this size?

what about weekly?

how much time alone does it take to clean the acrylic pannels? how often do you have to clean them?

thanks again and Happy Holidays

Thanks Rufio173. I spent quite a bit of time on pre-construction planning. Many hours of research on RC on various asapects of the system.
NBD13- I spend about 20 minutes a night feeding the fish and maybe picking a coral or two that gets nocked over. I also probably spend an hour to three per weekend working on a "project" that is tank related. I have it set-up to be pretty much hands -off except for things like - Cleaning the skimmer cup, changing carbon or Calcium reactor media.
I clean the glass every two to three days with a magnet and go over the glass and do a thorough cleaning every 2-3 months.

I actually look forward to the time I spend maintaining the tank and feeding the fish. For me it's relaxing even though it's maintenance. "Fun" work. Happy Holidays.
Travis- The treatment you are talking about is being used by quite a few people in the TCMAS currently. It would be great if it works as a dip or a whole tank additive.
Energy vvery nice tank, once i saw the pics on the first page I realized i had to go and read the whole thread. I can't wait until I upgrade to something huge that is about 1/10 the size of your tank. Keep up the good work, its nice to see someone so dedicated.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6410349#post6410349 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmondo
its nice to see someone so dedicated.

he he he he he i think its addicted not dedicated. lol
sorry energy couldnt help it.
yeah i guess you have a point spazz, how about this, its good to see someone who is both very addicted and knowledgeable at the same time. (And i don't mind seeing a tank as nice as the sting ray tank as well)
After seeing this I have just called my girlfriend and told her that we are going to sleep in the living room and convert the entire bedroom into a fish tank. I'm sooooo sooooo jealous.
AMAZING tank energy...I was wonder how the Gem Tang is doing? If he made it to the big tank yet. Thanks...Keep up the hard work so the rest of us can sit back and enjoy it! hehe
Hi Energy

that's one amazing tank, started reading this thread today and took me the better part of the day to finish it (just couldn't stop reading)

I'm curious about your solution to the humidity problem.
When you are recirculating the air in the wintertime, does it present humidity problems wherever your duct ends? Or have you taken precautions against that.
I'm planning an 240 G in wall tank and I will have to deal with the humidity too (although it is not going to be as much as with your tank) and your solution looks like it is a pretty good one.

Thanks in advance and once again, great tank

Hey Energy,


I have been trying to keep up with all the updates to your tank. I belong mostly to another saltwater forum, and I have sent about 15 people the link to this amazing tank. THey all loved it.

2 Q's-

*Is the Stingray ok? or what happened to him?

*How many years have you been in the hobby, and what are your experiences with aquariums, have you worked at an aquarium or what?

Thanks in advance,
Hey Energy,


I have been trying to keep up with all the updates to your tank. I belong mostly to another saltwater forum, and I have sent about 15 people the link to this amazing tank. THey all loved it.

2 Q's-

*Is the Stingray ok? or what happened to him?

*How many years have you been in the hobby, and what are your experiences with aquariums, have you worked at an aquarium or what?

Thanks in advance,
Hi- Guys
Spazz and cmondo- addicted would be the word although my wife thinks I'm Insane as well as most of the people that helped me build the tank and the addition onto the house to hold the tank.
Bret61081- The Gem tang is doing great and growing well. He is still not big enough for the main tank and probably won't be for another 6 months. He is in isolation where I can fatten him up and grow him large. I can monitor and control his feeding until he is big enough for the main system.
Nilsak So far humidity has been a non-issue. The window is critical!!! Without that I would have no control. When I close the window the heat and humidity build up fast. Even in the winter time the window stays partially open. This regulates the heat as well. If I could do it over I would put more venting and fans into the house from the fish room. I hate wasting the heat generated from the fish tank room but my current ventilation system is a little underpowered to pump all of the heated air into the house. Hence the window stays open to keep the room cooled.
Smoney- I have a blue spotted ribbontail ray. They are beautiful but I definately wouldn't recomend them. They are very Touchy. Mine is a female and she is doing great. The thing with ribbontails is they have a history of suddenly becoming ill and dying. They are one of the least hardy rays. I did have a close call earlier where she quite eating for about three days and I thought she was going to die. But then just as quickly she snapped out of it and has been fine and eating well. She is target fed a vitamin and garlic enriched formula of silversides. She doesn't seem to eat much else. I have tried fresh clams, shrimp etc but she goes for the silversides. The silversides have to be the large ones- not the thin little ones but the fat ones(their really is a difference.) I've had stingrays for about 20 plus years. I currently have a freshwater alligator gar that has been with me for over 21 years. I got him when I was 13 years old and he is still around. I try not to work around aquariums because I enjoy the hobby to much. I'm a firm believer that when you make your hobby your work then your enjoyment goes away.
Thank you for your reply Energy,

have to give the window thing some thought.
Do not want to risk freezing everything which could happen pretty quick if the temp drops to 40 below (which is not very uncommon in interior Ak)
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