the 1700g stingray reef

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the purpose of posting here isn't simply to show off and brag, nor is it to only make fawning complimentary posts-there's nothing wrong with criticizing anything, if the criticism is valid

if criticism is frowned upon by posters, then they shouldn't post ;)

as i said-it's a nice tank, but not appropriate for a stingray

or would y'all rather i compliment someone for not keeping an animal properly? ;)
vitz said:
the purpose of posting here isn't simply to show off and brag, nor is it to only make fawning complimentary posts-there's nothing wrong with criticizing anything, if the criticism is valid

if criticism is frowned upon by posters, then they shouldn't post ;)

as i said-it's a nice tank, but not appropriate for a stingray

or would y'all rather i compliment someone for not keeping an animal properly? ;)
the problem i have with your post is that i have personaly see this tank and this stingray. you have not. you cant get a grasp of the room in the tank by looking at a couple of pitures. there has already been alot of arguments as to the size of this or that. pictures make everything look smaller than they really are. that fish has tones of room all over the tank. that tank was aquascaped with the stingray in mind. we all know they need alot or room. and this is the first tank that i feel and im sure alot of other people feel, gives this stingray ample room to run around and tons of sand the hide in. this is one of the reasons why this tank is so big. he wanted a stingray, and he needed a large enough tank to house him in. i would concider this a better inviroment than a 2000g fish only tank. because it an eco system not just a tank with fish in it. its more of a natural enviorment to the stingray.
like rburn99 said, not wrong. just rude.
When the onwer asks for you for your advice, then give it. until then let's sit back and dream about having this amazing tank for our own and what we would do with it.:)

And lets not forget that the owner did not post this. another reefer posted this with his permission and the owner will not post if he feels he will be attacked or overly criticized for what he has done. He looks like he knows what he was doing and he knows how to take care of his fish. not some Millionaire who wanted a neat fish tank and didn't care what it cost or what it was. I hope the owner of this tank is reading this and can see that for the most part people are very impressed with this system and want nothing more then to have a deeper insight on this remarkable system.
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i just don't get the (overly) defensive attitude of the posters whos tank this doesn't even belong to

the censor-like attitude does your intelligence a great disservice, imo

and i couldn't give a rat's patoot how well designed, or well-intended a design the tank was built with in mind, it's STILL not appropo for a blue spot ray

it's not really possible to even come close to what a ray needs with a privately built tank, unless it's 10' square, w 90% cruising/burying room

i'll let 10 years be the judge as to whether or not the tank was/is appropriate for a ray-if it's still alive by then, i'll concede that the tank is adequate for keeping one alive, and still not 'correct' and 'proper' for an animal of that type and size

y'all should stop misinterpreting a husbandry observation for a personal attack, it shows an extremely narrowminded perception of what you read ;)
I have been a member for quite some time now, but never really post or look on the forum because of all the people who have no lives (or unhappy ones at that) and try to ruin everyone elses day by picking apart anything posted on the forums. It the comments arent positive keep them off the makes reading the threads a lot more enjoyable for the rest of us.
what have i posted that's either positive or negative? my statements are purely observatorial

as i've said before, it's a nice tank, and inappropriate for a ray

no picking apart of anything here

and who elected you house censor ?

since when did this BB become a fascist environment where posters determine what can or cannot be posted?

y'all are doing a far greater dis-service to the aquarium owner by playing 'enforcer' than by any other post/poster here

you don't agree with my statement bout the ray? fine by me

but don't presume to tell me what i can or cannot post, or what value my posts have or don't have for the poster

quite frankly, i don't care-i'm thinking about the ray's life and needs, not your fragile egos, so deal with it
Lunchbucket said:
i just saw the 1700gal BEAUTY today and seeing the 1700gal tank was say the least :eek2: :eek1: !!!


i took 106 pictures and 5 movies. i need to see which ones turned out and start posting. anyone want to host the movies for me???

i'll post the pics tomorrow...and whoever wants to host hte movies let me know...i got some decent ones.

good night....a TIRED Lunchbucket

Must have been quite a day for ya.....

Listen, have you found someone to host the videos for you yet..?? I've got a couple of names for you and they all ar willing to host videos ...expecially for this tank...

melev ( Marc )
AJP ( Adam )

I've PM'd both of them and they've said they can accomodate you.... I'd love to see these videos make their way to my thread ( Home Reef Videos ) in the Reef Discusion Forums... Like I've mentioned before ( several pages ago in this thread ) My thread is the largest thread solely dedicated to Reef Tank Videos.. And we've got a ton of them...and still getting larger.... The thread has split now but you all can see them on the front page of the first half of the thread....

Please let me know what you decide.... I know everyone would love to see this tank in action....

derrikd said:
when are we going to see more pics.
i think we are all a bunch of reef junkies that need there fix. he he he he
come on lunchbucket get them posted so we can drool some more. lol
holy frigin crap that is sweet, that is the coolest tank i have ever seen, who ever said the stingray is unhealthy is dumb, u just are jelious that u dont have a sweet tank like that.
I must say this mans love for the hobby goes without saying. Im interested in his background mainly where he aquired this level of knowledge. The time he has invested in this tank alone is probably staggering. Just keeping up with the coral line algae would be a full time job. Being able to juqqle this tank ,his family, and work is something to really be proud of. Id like to personally thank him for allowing others to present the pictures and details in his absence.
I Love it and am glad that it was shared here! My only question is how he manages to clean that thick acrylic with a mag float:)

Really though I feel that only positive remarks can be said here!
OMG he has more than 3 tangs in that tank!!!!! GASP, wait till the tang police read this thread!!!!!

Tell Prince that I like his tank, but hate his music!

Bringing up Tang Police is not what this thread is about.


RC Staff
Inflammatory post deleted....PLEASE READ MY WARNING!

Further inflammatory posts will be deleted and warnings given to each offender


Reef Central Staff
trodder said:
can you tell me what was "INFLAMMATORY" of my post?????

I just put a flame warning a few posts up and you decided to carry it on more by quoting someone and continuing to argue.

This thread is finished with arguing...keep it on track. Please.


RC Staff
sixxer said:

If you remember on your next trip, could you try and find out how much flow and what size tank he is using for the sponge tank? I really want to add one to my new system and trying to get as many details on a sponge tank as possible.


Well, I'm not spazz but I think I can answer your question. I didn't ask him what size his sponge refugium was but it looked to be the same size as his water change tank, which was right underneath it. So I'm pretty sure it is a 90 gallon tank. He said it takes about 2 years before it starts functioning because that is how long it takes the sponges to grow in. He also said that it is modeled after Tyree's cryptic sponge filtered systems. One of the neat things he pointed out to us was how "open" everything is in the back of his display tank. All of the rock is on pvc racks and the back of the tank has almost as much swimming room as the front. He placed a bunch of piece of LR randomly across the back on the bottom for sponges to grow on. He said that over time sponges will start to grow there and aid in the filtration.
As Lunch stated, we got to see the tank yesterday. I can certainly confirm that pictures (no matter how good they are) cannot do any justice to this tank. As soon as I walked into the room and saw the beast it immediately looked 10 times bigger than it did in the pictures of this thread. It was AMAZING, to say the least. What impressed me the most, however, was how knowledgable the owner was. I would love to just sit down and pick his brain for a weekend. When he decides to start posting he will have a lot that we can all learn from.

I took some pics but won't be posting them. My picture taking skills are not the best and the pics would just make the tank look worse than it is.

I filled one 256 MB card and one 16 MB card with videos of the tank. They turned out pretty good when I look at them on the camera. I've never uploaded vids so I will have to learn what I need to do. I will then see if I can get someone to host them. When you see the vids you honestly can't tell if you are looking at someone's tank or if you are looking at a video of the ocean. It is that realistic. I am busy and it will probably take a few days to get the vids up but I will do it.

BTW, the most memorable part of the tank to me was the huge black tang. I don't think I've ever seen a tang that big, more less a black one.
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